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      The 8th provincial moral model | Lin Cunliang: 70 year old river worker's mother He bravely saves people

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    Published on: December 7, 2021

    Lin Cunliang, retired employee of Lijin Yellow River Affairs Bureau. In his early years, he jumped into the deep and turbulent Yellow River and bravely rescued a swimmer, which showed his true qualities as a soldier and touched countless netizens and citizens. After 25 years of work, he has won many honorary titles such as advanced worker, excellent Communist Party member, etc. In 2020, he was elected as a good man in Shandong, an advanced volunteer in Dongying City, and a community enthusiast. In 2021, he was elected as the eighth provincial moral model, and was awarded the honorary title of provincial model for volunteer.

    Lin Cunliang, born in 1952, was an employee of Zhangtan Management Section of Lijin River Affairs Bureau. Until his retirement in 2002, he had been working at the forefront of Yellow River control. 25 years of experience in the Yellow River also led him to form an indissoluble relationship with this mother river. After retirement, he still used his rich experience accumulated over the years to guide flood control drills. Whenever the flood season is approaching, he will personally go to the river to observe the river regime. It is such an old river worker who was born in the army, retired for nearly 20 years, and was nearly 70 years old. He still braved to rush to the forefront at the most critical moment.

    70 year old man, save people by torrent, show the true character of party members

    On July 27, 2020, the Yellow River was passing through Lijin Station with a flow of 2730 cubic meters per second. Lijin Yellow River Dongguan controlled the main chute to approach the dike. The current was rapid and the waves were rolling. At about 3 p.m., 69 year old Lin Cunliang was chatting with several old people at the head of No. 5 dam of Dongguan Kongdao. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting, "Someone has fallen into the water, please save someone!". Lin Cunliang followed his reputation. Near the No. 6 dam, which is more than 100 meters away from here, the body of a person who fell into the water has sunk into the river, and only a few clothes are exposed floating on the water. The situation is very critical.

    Without any hesitation, Lin Cunliang immediately ran to No. 6 dam head, aimed at the position, jumped into the Yellow River. At this time, the Yellow River is in flood season. The water is deep and the waves are fast. The river is moving in a whirlpool, pushing Lin Cunliang and the drowning person forward. Lin Cunliang wants to swim in the direction of the drowning person, but it is difficult to control. The situation is very dangerous. Lin Cunliang clearly knew that every second at this time was related to human life. He tried his best to swim in the direction of the drowning person. When he got close, he firmly grabbed the collar of the drowning person with one hand, and kept pushing the river with the other hand. He rowed towards the bank with difficulty, one meter, two meters, three meters... Finally, with the help of the surrounding people, the drowning person was successfully rescued. At this time, Lin Cunliang, who was nearly sixty years old, was seriously exhausted. He didn't want to rest. He panted and urged everyone: "Please, please send him to the hospital..." When he learned that the drowning man was OK, Lin Cunliang relaxed. At this time, his face was sallow and he looked tired. He wrapped himself in wet clothes and lay down on the root stone of the Dongguan guide. When he subconsciously felt in his pocket for his mobile phone, he found that both the mobile phone and the money had not been taken out in time because of the emergency, and they fell into the river when saving people.

    Do not forget the original intention, indifferent to fame and wealth, and have deep knowledge of merit and reputation

    That night, the drowning man and his relatives finally found Lin Cunliang's home through various inquiries. As soon as he entered the door, the person who fell into the water tightly grasped Lin Cunliang's hand, showing endless gratitude in his words, and then tried to put the prepared thank-you gold into Lin Cunliang's hand. Lin Cunliang quickly declined. He said firmly, "This is the right thing to do. Anyone will do this. Besides, I am the old Yellow River. It's incumbent on me to save people. I'm used to it."

    On the afternoon of the 28th, the leaders of the River Affairs Bureau came to Lin Cunliang's home for condolence. When talking about the rescue process, Lin Cunliang repeatedly waved his hand: "At that time, I didn't think about anything, but I wanted to save people. I am an old party member. I have worked on the Yellow River for more than 30 years, but if I met someone, I could not save them, but everyone would save them!"

    Retirement will not fade, the son will inherit his father's ambition, and continue the love of the Yellow River

    It is understood that Lin Cunliang has served as squad leader and league secretary since he joined the army. He is diligent and studious, and has been rewarded by the army for many times. After he changed jobs, he brought the good qualities honed in the army to his work. For 25 years of Yellow River control, ice cream prevention and rescue are always in the forefront. In 1999, when the Yellow River was dredged in the first year, Lin Cunliang did not sleep for three days and nights, leading his team to study new technologies. In the silting area full of red mud, he has to walk six or seven times every day for the journey of five kilometers back and forth until the dredging project is completed. On holidays and festivals, Lin Cunliang always takes the initiative to stay on duty in Duanshang. It is his responsibility and persistence that affects everyone around him.

    "My father has always been my big tree," said his son Lin Yujun. Lin Yujun, who had received strict education since childhood, was inspired and influenced by his father. He also embarked on the road of joining the army and joined the team of Yellow River treatment, becoming an excellent pioneer of Yellow River treatment.

    Retirement does not leave the post, the old hero is in the forefront, the sunset is different

    At that time, the crowd who helped Laolin save the drowning person together sighed, "The nearly 70 year old man, who sprinted 100 meters, jumped, and was really sweating for Laolin". Lin Cunliang's colleagues said that since joining the army, Lin Cunliang has rescued the drowning people in the turbulent Yellow River four times. With more than 20 years of river harnessing experience, he is familiar with the "temperament" of the Yellow River. This brave rescue of the drowning person not only reflects his excellent character and extraordinary courage, but also shows his rich work experience and understanding of the Yellow River water regime. Lin Cunliang's several brave rescues of those who fell into the water really made the surrounding people feel the "Yellow River spirit" of the older generation of Yellow River harnessers. After retirement, Lin Cunliang is still a warm-hearted person who often helps others. Now, whenever he talks about the heroic deeds of saving others by sacrificing himself, he always says, "Who let me be the old Yellow River? I know the temper of the Yellow River best". Simple words convey full of positive energy.

    From an advanced worker in 1987 to an outstanding Communist Party member in 1999 to an enthusiastic person in the community in 2020, Lin Cunliang knows all the honors he has ever won. Looking at his certificates of honor and listening to his stories about his past experiences, the sound of water waves in flood season, the roar of mud suction boats and the howling of cold wind, just like an audio scroll, unfolded before us.

    On the Yellow River, there are still many older generations of people like Lin Cunliang who have full love for the Yellow River. It is precisely because of the old river affairs like Lin Cunliang, who has been guarding the Yellow River day after day, that today's great river Anlan has been obtained; It is just like him, an old party member who can sacrifice himself to save others in times of crisis, never forgets his original responsibility, which has nourished the evergreen tree of morality and the blooming flower of civilization in Dongying! (Qilu Evening News, Qilu 1:00 reporter Wang Shuai, correspondent Dong Kangkang)

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