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Analysis on prosocial behavior of preschool children in Gansu Province in the second half of 2021

Source: Zhonggong Gansu Teachers Qualification Examination Network Time: 2021-06-11 16:19:47

Second half of 2021 Teacher Certificate The written examination announcement is expected to be released in September, and the written examination time is expected to be in November. In order to enable everyone to better prepare for and review, Gansu Education Information Network We have prepared the content for the written examination of Gansu Teachers' Qualification Examination in the second half of 2021. Gansu Education Information Network wishes you all success in the examination!

The prosocial behavior of preschool children is an important part of preschool children's social development, and also the core of preschool children's moral development. The pre-school children's prosocial behavior indicates that they are gradually getting rid of self centeredness and can gradually consider problems from the perspective of others, so it is also in the pre-school teacher qualification and teacher recruitment examinations over the years. Today, we will focus on the analysis of pre-school children's prosocial behavior.

The term "prosocial behavior" was first used by American social psychologist Eisenberg in 1972 to refer to behaviors that can benefit others and society as opposed to negative behaviors such as aggression. Therefore, it is proposed that prosocial behavior, also known as positive social behavior, belongs to the large category of social behavior and is an important indicator of individual socialization development. The Learning and Development Guide for Children Aged 3-6 issued by the Ministry of Education in 2012 regards the development of prosocial behavior as an essential part of children's interpersonal communication and social adaptation.

The performance of prosocial behavior usually refers to the behavior that people show in social interaction that is beneficial to others or has a positive impact on society, such as help, sharing, cooperation, comfort, sympathy, care, humility and other behaviors. The most fundamental reason why preschool children have these prosocial behaviors is the development of empathy. Empathy is the ability to empathize with others. "Empathy" is different from "sympathy". Understanding the feelings of others does not mean that we have the same feelings with that person. For example, if we understand why someone is so angry, it does not mean that we also feel angry. What is empathy? Empathy is to be able to stand in the other's position, understand and appreciate the feelings of others. As a kind of psychological quality, it plays an important role in forming a good interpersonal relationship and moral character, maintaining mental health, and even achieving success. Therefore, in the objective questions that often examine prosocial behavior, the examination questions often put prosocial behavior and empathy together.

The factors that affect pre-school children's prosocial behavior can be understood and remembered from a new perspective. If the development of pre-school children's prosocial behavior is compared to a big tree, what is fundamental to the growth of the tree is what we call empathy, which is the fundamental factor that causes pre-school children's prosocial behavior. On the basis of empathy, what nourishes children's daily life is the surrounding environment, including the parenting style of parents in the family and peer interaction in kindergarten. The friendly parenting style of parents can cultivate children's more positive personality and make them more willing to be close to others. Parents' good behavior style will also become a model for children's prosocial behavior. Parents should respond correctly to children's behaviors in the way of guidance, and gradually promote the development of children's prosocial behaviors. The way and attitude of communication between peers also play an important role in children's prosocial behavior. In the process of communicating with peers, children can gradually understand the importance of friendship to themselves and begin to consider for peers, and children with prosocial behavior will also become models for other children to learn. Finally, in addition to the environment surrounding children's life, the factors that affect pre-school children's pro social behavior are the external environment of the tree, which is the cultural background and social system of the whole society. Since ancient times, China has been a nation advocating peace, so our entire social environment advocates pro social behavior of being kind to others, so children will also be affected imperceptibly. The ancient Greek nation Sparta, which advocates force, whose entire national culture is to solve everything by force, naturally affects the pro social behavior of its national children.

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(Editor in charge: Gansu Zhonggong Education)


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