Samsung Duyun Exhibition Hall invites you to unveil

Zou Yating

08:37, March 10, 2020 Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition
Original title: Samsung Duyun Exhibition Hall invites you to open (service is not closed)

Bronze Head with Gold Mask Courtesy of Sanxingdui Museum

Dumb cartoon bronze stands on both sides. The red banner reads "Welcome to visit and guide". Click the "Go to sign in" arrow to enter the online opening ceremony of Sanxingdui Museum Complex. Recently, the renovated and upgraded Sanxingdui Museum Complex was opened to the public in the form of cloud exhibition hall, attracting many netizens to "open the curtain".

Entering the cloud exhibition hall, the opening film "One Eye for a Thousand Years" will be presented first. Through the eyes of bronze masks, the archaeological excavation process of Sanxingdui will be reviewed. Then the curator gave a speech, and the curators and designers interpreted the transformation concept of Sanxingdui Complex. Netizens can unveil the cloud exhibition hall of the comprehensive hall by "gilding" the golden face portrait of Sanxingdui, visit the comprehensive hall panoramic VR exhibition, listen to professional explanations, and take a group photo with the national treasure of Sanxingdui.

"This is the first time that Sanxingdui Museum has held an online regular exhibition. It is an attempt by our museum to break through the boundaries of exhibition and display and increase the cultural supply of the museum under the special circumstances of closing the museum. It is also one of the measures taken by our museum to 'resume work and production'." Zhu Jiake, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and executive deputy director of Sanxingdui Museum, said, "It is hoped that this special opening ceremony and exhibition form can attract more attention and participation from the audience, so as to 'walk around Sanxingdui and dream of returning to the ancient Shu'."

The reconstruction project of Sanxingdui Museum Complex took three months. It was originally planned to officially open on January 25, but due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the museum could not be opened on schedule. Sanxingdui Museum urgently organized digital collection and created VR cloud exhibition hall to present a wonderful opening ceremony for netizens.

It is reported that the renovated and upgraded Sanxingdui Museum Complex covers an area of 4000 square meters and displays 394 pieces (sets) of cultural relics, including pottery, jade, gold, bronze, etc. One of the Shang Dynasty jade zhang unearthed in Sanxingdui No.2 Sacrificial Pit is the first time to be displayed in a permanent exhibition. The exhibition hall is dominated by the blue and gray tone, creating an atmosphere and unobstructed exhibition site. The exhibition axis is built through heavy cultural relics such as bronze Dali people, gold masks, gold sticks, bronze god trees, etc., representing the theme of "people and gods" of Sanxingdui culture. The pavilion makes full use of multimedia technology to reproduce the historical scene of Sanxingdui excavation in the form of video, animation, etc., restore the appearance of the ancient city of Sanxingdui, show the details of key cultural relics and the stories behind them, and let the audience feel the charm of Sanxingdui culture more comprehensively and deeply.

During the fight against the epidemic, the Sanxingdui Museum launched a small social education class called "Fun Talk Sanxingdui" on the WeChat official account, sorted out online temporary exhibitions and collections of Sanxingdui related documentaries over the years, and held several live online activities, which received warm responses. On February 23, Sanxingdui Museum, China National Museum, Gansu Provincial Museum and other eight national museums gathered in Taobao studio to open the museum "Cloud Spring Tour". The number of instant viewers in the live broadcast room reached 1.2 million, the number of netizens' likes exceeded 230000, and more than 18000 comments. On the 29th, the Sanxingdui Museum held four live broadcasts in conjunction with People's Live, Sina One Live, Fasthand, Huaxi Cover Live, Guanghan Rong Media, and Deyang Evening News to show the new look of the complex after its transformation and upgrading and many treasures of the town hall, with more than 1.5 million viewers in total.

People's Daily Overseas Edition (the 7th edition on March 10, 2020)

(Editor in charge: Jiao Long, Zhou Wanting)

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