Car paint series - high-end wood veneer - Nanjing Geyun Building Materials

Nanjing Geyun (New Type) Building Materials Co., Ltd
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Jiangsu Nanjing
New building materials - New wall materials
Nanjing Geyun
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Updated at 2023-12-07 15:14:19 View merchant information

The above is a detailed introduction of car paint series - high-end wood veneer - Nanjing Geyun Building Materials, including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, origin, brand and other information of car paint series - high-end wood veneer - Nanjing Geyun Building Materials!
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Mr. li
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025-52****** Click to view
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No. 108, C4 District, Hongyang Decoration City, Yuhua District, Nanjing
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