Marble floor tile - floor tile - engineering tile production company

Hebi Chengsheng Building Materials Co., Ltd
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Henan Hebi
ceramics - floor tile
Hebi Chengsheng Ceramic Tile
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Product description

Updated on November 15, 2023-15 15:35:02 View merchant information
Specifications 800*800 varieties Marble floor tile
Maintenance method Detergent, clean water, others standard national standard
Surface effect Semi matte bright matte others Grade Superior
style European classical European modern pastoral Chinese classical Chinese modern others Functional space Dining room, kitchen, living room, shopping mall, bathroom, balcony, corridor, others
Frost resistance strong Thermal shock resistance strong
compressive strength 170mpa Applicable space Indoor, indoor and outdoor Others
Water absorption 0.3% Corrosion resistance strong
Wear resistance coefficient strong abrasion resistance forty thousand
Pollution resistance strong Chromatic system Cool colors Warm colors Neutral colors
Special purpose Anticorrosive brick, anti-skid brick, wear-resistant brick, others pattern Marble texture
series one thousand two hundred and fifty-nine

Whole body Marble ceramic tile Rich but concise, texture and furniture It attracts and interweaves with each other. A little light is enough to bring out its flexible temperament, and the space design has strong expressive force. Noble and generous is synonymous with the effect of the whole marble tile. It can be widely used in various high-quality Home Furnishing , hotels, clubs and other areas, with luxurious and noble decoration effect, are mainly suitable for modern luxury, classical, Chinese, European, Southeast Asian and other types of space. You just need to open the door, take off your shoes, and touch them gently. Marble tiles need not destroy the sustainable development of nature clay feldspar quartz It can be made after waiting, which is much easier than cutting mountains and stones. Decorative effect, Natural marble It is a natural product. It is somewhat defective and uncontrollable. The grain is exquisite, but it cannot reach the same pattern. If a piece is damaged carelessly during transportation or paving, it is an irreparable fault.

Marble tiles are transparent and thick, with distinct layers. When you touch the product surface, you will feel warm, tender, smooth, delicate and concave convex. Each marble tile will be like Natural stone Like texture and tactile effect. The texture color of the marble tile product is natural, and the texture level is not stiff. The surface effect of marble tiles is almost the same as that of natural marble. It is difficult to distinguish the true from the false. The texture is smooth and overly natural. Marble tile, abandoning natural marble Stone It is fragile and fragile. In terms of product hardness, marble tiles are hard and wear-resistant.

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The above is the detailed introduction of the marble floor tile - floor tile - engineering tile production company, including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, origin, brand and other information of the marble floor tile - floor tile - engineering tile production company!
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Mr. li
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156606***** Click to view
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Ceramic Avenue, Shilin Town, Shancheng District, Hebi City, Henan Province
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