Jianmei Aluminum Alloy Door and Window Wholesale _ Jianmei Tooling Door and Window Manufacturer - Guilin Jianfeng Energy Saving Door and Window Co., Ltd

Guilin Jianfeng Energy Saving Doors and Windows Co., Ltd
Ordinary merchants
Reference price:
300.00 yuan/square meter
Guangxi Guilin
doors and windows - Aluminum doors and windows
Guilin Jianfeng aluminum alloy doors and windows
Place of Origin:
Jianmei Aluminum Bridge Broken 108

Product description

Updated on 2021-11-05 17:36:41 View merchant information

Guilin Jianfeng Energy saving doors and windows Limited company mainly engaged in Jianmei Aluminium Aluminum alloy doors and windows Intelligent doors and windows Broken bridge doors and windows aluminium alloy Sun room Glass curtain Balcony guardrail , air conditioning louvers, building aluminum molds and other types of aluminum profiles, the general agent of Jianmei Aluminum in Guangxi, the wholesale of Jianmei Aluminum, the wholesale of aluminum alloy doors and windows, the professional undertaking of tooling, home decoration doors and windows, focusing on the engineering design, production, installation and indoor and outdoor decoration of aluminum alloy doors and windows, glass curtain walls, balcony railings and other businesses, and also the general agent of "Jianmei Aluminum" in Guangxi. We have our own factory, Jianmei is a first-line brand and the manufacturer has a first-hand source of goods. Jianmei aluminum doors and windows are directly wholesale by the manufacturer. The factory is located in Huixian, Guilin. The store exhibition hall is located at the intersection of Shiji West Road and Sanyuan Road, Lingui District. The exhibition hall covers an area of more than 2000 square meters. There are various kinds of aluminum alloy doors and windows display panels, and intelligent aluminum alloy doors and windows are displayed on site. The functions are diverse and unique, and it is suitable for the decoration of real estate and hotels, The products are conventional and smart. Smart doors and windows can be controlled by remote control, voice control, fingerprint, wind sensing, rain sensing, etc. Smart doors and windows are also a development trend in the aluminum alloy door and window market today! Now we sincerely invite all wholesalers, dealers and agents to cooperate and join us. We have our own factories, a first-hand supply of goods, large quantities and good prices. Interested parties please contact us. The address of Guilin Jianfeng Door and Window Exhibition Hall is at the intersection of Shiji West Road and Sanyuan Road, Lingui District, Guilin City.

The above is the detailed introduction of Jianmei Aluminum Alloy Door&Window Wholesale - Jianmei Tooling Door&Window Manufacturer - Guilin Jianfeng Energy Saving Door&Window Co., Ltd., including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, origin, brand and other information of Jianmei Aluminum Alloy Door&Window Wholesale - Jianmei Tooling Door&Window Manufacturer - Guilin Jianfeng Energy Saving Door&Window Co., Ltd!
Contact Name
Mr Qin
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152407***** Click to view
Contact address
Intersection of Shiji West Road and Sanyuan Road, Lingui District, Guilin City
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