Ningxia New Floor Tiles - New Pattern Interior Wall Tiles - Special Exterior Wall Tiles - Antique Tiles Customized

Hebi Shancheng Shengtong Ceramic Building Materials Factory
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Henan Hebi
ceramics - Architectural ceramics
Hebi ceramics
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Product description

Updated on 2023-11-09 15:24:19 View merchant information
size 800 cm Corrosion resistance strong
Modulus of rupture one thousand Glaze resistance to spalling eight thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Frost resistance strong Pollution resistance strong
Thermal shock resistance strong Water absorption 99.99 %

Floor tile - Interior wall tile - Wall brick - Antique brick - Square brick Manufacturer. Antique brick is ceramic tile A new variety of Zhongxing, which is different from Polishing brick and Porcelain It is "born" with an "antique" face, so people call it "antique brick". In addition to the name of "antique brick", there are also retro brick, classical brick, pan ancient brick and porcelain glazed tile wait. From these appellations, we can find that most of these names have an "ancient" character. The "ancient" of the antique brick means "classical" and "quaint", which means to attract people's attention with a unique classical charm.
Classical things are usually reflected in the vicissitudes of time, the thickness of history, and the pursuit of antique bricks is a "natural" flavor. Therefore, the antique bricks in the area usually do not distinguish colors and numbers. Let nature take its course and give people a sense of natural perfection. The "imitation" of antique bricks is not intended to go, or to copy, but a pursuit, the pursuit of that natural feeling, giving home a simple and elegant temperament. Compared with polished tiles and porcelain chips, antique tiles really give people a feeling of antiquity, or it is closer to the "natural" state.

Each antique brick has its own meaning, for example, the tenacious "Gobi rock feeling" of life found in nature, such as interpretation nature Powerful, majestic, like a "storm" with clouds rolling down, like a "ancient wood" with solid texture and rigid appearance that seems to have gone through countless vicissitudes of life, like standing at the end of the tide, fashionable and bright charm of metal glazed tiles... The essence of antique tile design is to reproduce "nature" and "natural state". When choosing to edit and purchase, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate whether the technical indicators of antique bricks are excellent.
The main standards are water absorption, abrasion resistance, hardness, color difference, etc., and each item should not be sloppy. Water absorption: may affect the easy cleaning procedure of antique tiles. The products with high water absorption have low density and loose brick holes, so they should not be used in places with frequent activities, so as not to clean up the scale after water absorption; The products with low water absorption have high density and high moisture and dirt resistance. Wear resistance: five degrees, from low to high. The fifth degree belongs to super abrasion resistance and is generally not used for home decoration.
Bricks for home decoration can be selected between one degree and four degrees. Hardness: it directly affects the service life of antique bricks, especially important. It can be identified by knocking and listening. The clear and crisp sound indicates that the internal quality is good and should not be deformed or broken. Even if a hard object is used to scratch the glaze of the brick, there will be no trace left. Color difference: It can be judged visually. Check whether the color, luster and texture of a batch of bricks are generally consistent, and whether they can be put together well. Small color difference and regular size are top grade.

  Make up? one hundred and thirteen
Make up? one hundred and thirteen

The above is a detailed introduction of Ningxia new floor tiles - new color interior wall tiles - special price exterior wall tiles - antique tiles, including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, origin, brand and other information of Ningxia new floor tiles - new color interior wall tiles - special price exterior wall tiles - antique tiles!
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Li Hongbo
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136-23****** Click to view
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500 meters east of the intersection of East Chaoyang Street and Qianjin Road, Shancheng District, Hebi City, Henan Province
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