Gansu heavy medium coal preparation equipment, Gansu coal preparation equipment, Gansu coal preparation equipment manufacturer

Shanxi Jiexiu Haoxin Coal Washing Equipment Factory
Ordinary merchants
Reference price:
188.00 yuan/set
Shanxi Jinzhong
Mechanics - Screening equipment - Filter press
Hao Xin
Place of Origin:
Gansu coal washing equipment
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Product description

Updated on 2019-09-03 15:31:11 View merchant information

Which is the best coal washing equipment manufacturer in Gansu? The factory wants to purchase Gansu coal washing equipment, please recommend it!!
Shanxi Jiexiu Coal Washing Equipment The equipment made by Director Guo's family is quite good, which is quite good in the industry. The materials used are * * thick, * * good. The equipment is normally maintained, and it has not been broken for five years. Our factory has cooperated to buy many sets. I suggest you can inquire about them.

Here's a copy of their family introduction:
    Shanxi Jiexiu Coal Washing Equipment Factory -- 15 years of focus: Jiexiu Coal Washing Equipment, Jiexiu Coal Washing Equipment Accessories, Jiexiu Coal Washing Equipment various models customization, Jiexiu complete coal washing equipment, centrifugal dehydrator, The flotation machine , clean coal Dewatering screen , high-frequency vibration recovery screen, Thickener And mechanical coke Mechanics Professional coal washing equipment design, production and sales manufacturers of complete sets of equipment, welcome to inquire Director Guo

    Our products have been exported to Shanxi, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Xinjiang, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Jilin, Ningxia, Qinghai, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and other 21 provinces in China, ranking in the forefront of coal washing machines. We have been producing coal washing machines for decades. The specifications of coal washing machines are complete nationwide, It is a model of coal washing equipment industry.

    Our company is a scientific and technological production enterprise. Relying on the coal and coke resources in Shanxi, we actively research and develop qualified coal washing equipment. We have the ability to contract the production, civil design and process layout of a full set of coal preparation equipment. Now we have formed a technical team that integrates production, installation and after-sales service.

    Our company has a full set of mechanical production equipment for turning, forging, milling, planing, welding, casting, etc. Our leading products include coal washing, centrifugal dewatering machine, flotation machine, clean coal dewatering screen, high-frequency vibration recovery screen, and thickener.

If you want to know more about coal washing equipment, please call Director Guo

The above is the detailed introduction of Gansu dense medium coal preparation equipment, Gansu coal preparation equipment, and Gansu coal preparation equipment manufacturers, including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, origin, brand and other information of Gansu dense medium coal preparation equipment, Gansu coal preparation equipment, and Gansu coal preparation equipment manufacturers!
Contact Name
Director Guo
contact number
152344***** Click to view
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Shanxi Jiexiu Coal Washing Equipment Industrial Park
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