Thermal conductivity tester

Xiangtan Instrument Co., Ltd. (Instrument Factory)
Ordinary merchants
Reference price:
145000.00 yuan/set
Hunan Xiangtan
Electrical- Instruments and Apparatuses
Place of Origin:
Xiangtan, Hunan

Product description

Updated on 2019-09-05 11:11:58 View merchant information

Xiangtanxiangke DRH-600 thermal conductivity Tester (Heat protection plate method)

  • summary:

This instrument Based on the principle of unidirectional stable heat conduction, when the upper and lower surfaces of the sample are at different stable temperatures, measure the heat flow through the effective heat transfer area of the sample and the temperature difference and thickness between the two surfaces of the sample to calculate the thermal conductivity. The instrument is designed for testing low thermal conductivity insulation materials, and meets the requirements of the material testing and research department for high-precision testing of thermal conductivity of insulation materials. Instrument reference standards: GB/T3399-82 Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Plastics, Hot Plate Method, GB/T3139-2005 (Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Fiber Reinforced Plastics)( FRP Test Method for Thermal Conductivity), GB/10294-2008 (Determination and Protection of Steady State Thermal Resistance and Related Properties of Thermal Insulation Materials hot plate France), etc. Mainly test plastic Vacuum glass , fiber, foam, powder, gel and other materials. It is widely used in the material analysis and detection of universities, scientific research institutions, quality inspection departments and manufacturers.

2、 Main technical performance

1. Thermal conductivity range: 0.001~0.5w/m · k

<p 17.85pt\"=""> 2. Temperature control range of hot plate: room temperature - 99.99 ℃, main and protective Heating plate 4 thermocouples for temperature measurement, resolution 0.01 ℃, computer processing resolution 0.005 ℃.

3、 Cold plate constant temperature water tank : 0-99.99 ℃, temperature fluctuation is less than 0.05 ℃.

4、 Power Supply : 220V/50HZ Power: 3KW

5. Accuracy of measurement results   ±3%

6. Current resolution of main heating plate 0.00001A; Voltage resolution 0.0001V.

7. The computer automatically tests and prints out the data.

8. Sample size requirements: 600 × 600 × (10-60) (mm)

9. Working conditions

① Ambient temperature 10°~35℃

② Relative humidity ≤ 80% RH hum

The above is a detailed introduction of the thermal conductivity tester, including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, origin, brand and other information of the thermal conductivity tester!
Contact Name
Li Shuangxi
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0731-5****** Click to view
Contact address
No. 519, Tanshao Road, Xiangtan City, Hunan Province
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