600 * 120 high-grade skirting line for professional decoration provided by the manufacturer

Yuzhou Lianfeng Ceramics Co., Ltd
Ordinary merchants
Reference price:
RMB 0.61/tablet
Henan Xuchang
ceramics - Interior wall tile
Place of Origin:
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Product description

Updated on June 6, 2011 22:10:05 View merchant information

Yuzhou Lianfeng ceramics Founded in 2004, the company has two production bases, Lianfeng Ceramics and Yibao Branch, with four production line And passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality system certification. The company has complete products, Interior wall tile Wall brick Floor tile A private limited liability company specializing in the production and processing of products. The company has "Haoyijia", "Liangyaliang", "Shuangmei", "Mingbo" and other brands. The company's integrity, strength and product quality have been recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit the company, guide and negotiate business.    

 6007 Yuzhou Lianfeng Ceramics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2004. It has two production bases, Lianfeng Ceramics and Yibao Branch. It has four production lines and passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality system certification. The company is a private limited liability company specializing in production and processing of skirting, interior wall tiles, exterior wall tiles, floor tiles and other products. Company
6007 Yuzhou Lianfeng Ceramics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2004. It has two production bases, Lianfeng Ceramics and Yibao Branch. It has four production lines and passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality system certification. The company is a private limited liability company specializing in production and processing of skirting, interior wall tiles, exterior wall tiles, floor tiles and other products. Company

 6000 Yuzhou Lianfeng Ceramics Co., Ltd., founded in 2004, has two production bases, Lianfeng Ceramics and Yibao Branch, four production lines and passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality system certification. The company is a private limited liability company specializing in production and processing of skirting, interior wall tiles, exterior wall tiles, floor tiles and other products. Company
6000 Yuzhou Lianfeng Ceramics Co., Ltd., founded in 2004, has two production bases, Lianfeng Ceramics and Yibao Branch, four production lines and passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality system certification. The company is a private limited liability company specializing in production and processing of skirting, interior wall tiles, exterior wall tiles, floor tiles and other products. Company

The above is a detailed introduction of 600 * 120 high-end skirting lines for professional decoration provided by the manufacturer, including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, origin, brand and other information of 600 * 120 high-end skirting lines for professional decoration provided by the manufacturer!
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Yuzhou Xiadu Private Industrial Zone
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