Medium density fiberboard

Guilin Donghe Wood Industry Co., Ltd
Ordinary merchants
Reference price:
47.00 yuan
Guangxi Guilin
lumbering - board
Guilin Donghe Wood Industry
Place of Origin:
Yongfu County, Guilin City, Guangxi
1220×2440×15 mm  
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Product description

Updated on 2009-06-06 21:16:27 View merchant information
Medium density Fiberboard The application fields are very broad, mainly including: 1 board : Surface coating of plain plate Single board , printed board polyvinyl chloride Or the surface of low-voltage veneer shall be flat, smooth, stable and free of texture after being covered;  2、 Kitchen cabinet : MDF is one of the * * materials for making kitchen cases and cabinets because of its smooth surface, tight edges and convenient milling; 3. Molding parts: MDF can be processed into any shape at will, and then indoor components can be made by wet production method of PVC or paper coating; 4. Doors, door stops and components: due to the non warping, smooth surface and heat insulation of MDF, it can be used as base plate, door stop, panel, door trim Railing and doors and windows Joinery components; 5. Sticking or painting: medium density fiberboard is used as the base material, which is covered with high-grade veneer, thin PVC, heat transfer foil, low pressure resin Impregnated paper, etc. The surface is smooth and beautiful after coating, which can be widely used as base material; 6. Edge processing and molding: due to the good edge processing performance of MDF, paint The previous treatment capacity is small, as long as appropriate equipment and Cutting tools It can be processed into parts with complex shapes like natural wood, and the processed parts can have smooth lines, bright outlines and no burrs; 7. Embossment: Because MDF has the characteristics of uniform texture, the surface of MDF can be pressed with refined molds to produce three-dimensional relief patterns.  
Credit is the life of an enterprise! Therefore, our company takes "integrity, pragmatism, innovation" as the business philosophy, and sincerely tracks the service throughout.
Product introduction: our products are flat and smooth, uniform and dense, fresh and beautiful in color, stable in size, non warping, good in strength, strong in nail grip, and resistant to compression marks. The breadth of the product is 1220 × 2440 × 15 mm, Inspected by the Quality Inspection Institute of Guangxi Bureau of Technical Supervision, it meets the requirements of GB/T18580-2001 and GB/T11718-1999 standards.
Credit is the life of an enterprise! Therefore, our company takes "integrity, pragmatism, innovation" as the business philosophy, and sincerely tracks the service throughout. Our products have a high cost performance ratio. Please contact us for information about products, business cooperation, orders and distribution.
The above is a detailed introduction of MDF, including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, origin, brand and other information of MDF!
Contact Name
Lan Zhijie
contact number
077385***** Click to view
Contact address
No. 32, Dongbin Road, Yongfu County, Guilin City
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