Xinyuanlai Paint Door

Zhejiang Jiangshan Xinyuanlai Door Decoration Materials Factory
Ordinary merchants
Reference price:
880.00 yuan/set
Zhejiang Quzhou
doors and windows - Metal doors and windows - Stainless steel door
Place of Origin:
Jiangshan, Zhejiang
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Product description

Updated on 2008-05-21 13:05:26 View merchant information

Zhejiang Jiangshan Xinyuanlai trade handed down from generation to generation Professional development, production and sales Interior doors Based on the regional advantages and regional economic advantages, the company is a leading manufacturer in product innovation, and has developed and designed a variety of series of style products with sophisticated technical strength and abundant funds. This product adopts Solid wood door Noodles, imported raw materials, wood The texture is clear and natural, fashionable and simple, with fire prevention and free paint , environmental protection, affordable, durable, easy installation and other advantages, add warmth to your home life, integrate into the idea of personalized life, and meet the artistic and functional needs of special occasions.     
The enterprise takes specialization and scale as the starting point, takes customers as the center, pursues zero defects of products as the business policy, and provides healthy and environmentally friendly products and high-quality services It is our responsibility. All employees of the enterprise, in the spirit of perseverance, pioneering and innovation "Clear my heart" is to develop high-quality products that are more suitable for the market. We are willing to work with all sectors of society to create a better tomorrow.
The above is the detailed introduction of Xinyuanlai Paint Door, including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, place of origin, brand and other information of Xinyuanlai Paint Door!
Contact Name
Chen Haili
contact number
0570-4****** Click to view
Contact address
Huatong Road, Jiangshan, Zhejiang
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