Micro public welfare > Long term projects > Project Details

Fund raising

Good deeds in the Central Plains - assistance project for the severely disabled in difficulty

Poverty alleviation Direct distribution of living assistance funds to improve the quality of life of severely disabled people in difficulty

Fund raised (yuan)
two hundred and forty-six point eight zero

Donation receipt: Henan Disabled Welfare Foundation


Project Details

I Project Introduction
Henan Province has a large disabled population in China, with more than 7 million disabled people, accounting for 7.2% of the total population of the province. With the historic achievements in poverty alleviation and the in-depth implementation of rural revitalization, the living standard of the disabled in our province has significantly improved. However, affected by physical and mental barriers, weak labor ability, low education and other factors, the disabled are still the most prominent social group with the greatest risk of returning to poverty and causing poverty, and the severely disabled with difficulties are among them the "difficulties in poverty, difficulties in difficulty" A special group that is extremely vulnerable to returning to poverty.
In order to fully implement the relevant requirements of the Henan Disabled Persons' Federation on the assistance work for the severely disabled in difficulty, the Henan Disabled Persons' Welfare Foundation has set up the "Good Central Plains" - "Help for the severely disabled in difficulty" project, focusing on the actual life needs of the severely disabled in difficulty groups in Henan Province, promoting the effective connection between social assistance and charity assistance, and constantly enhancing the sense of gain of the disabled Happiness.
One helping is one saving
Master Qiao, who lives in Luohe, Henan Province, is 36 years old and has a secondary severe physical disability. His mother died early and his father is old. The family had been living on crops, government subsidies and the help of neighbors, relatives and friends. But in the past two years, because his father was ill for treatment, he spent all his savings and borrowed some foreign debts. Qiao Tianwei once suffered from depression. Now he is working in the village, actively working hard to earn money to support his family and to honor his father.
(Photo authorized)
Uncle Liu has a secondary physical disability and lives alone. He usually relies on crutches and wheelchairs when traveling. When I was young, I lived on the meager income of repairing bicycles. Now I am old, weak, ill and unable to move, so I can't go out to earn money. This makes the already difficult life even worse. Many furniture, appliances and even bedding in the family are donated by caring people, and they are a little shabby due to long-term use.
(Photo authorized)
        2、 Execution plan      
(1) Execution place: Henan Province
(2) Beneficiaries and screening criteria: The beneficiaries of this activity are the severely disabled people in difficulty in our province. It is required to have a Grade I or Grade II disability certificate, and the village committee/community shall issue a family status certificate, and the final list of recipients shall be confirmed by the municipal and county disability federations. Priority shall be given to the disabled persons with severe difficulties who meet the following conditions: the disabled persons who are the key preferential care recipients, the disabled persons in the low-income families, the disabled persons with multiple disabilities in one family, the disabled minors, and the disabled persons who encounter natural disasters or sudden accidents.      
(3) Project strategy
1. Clarify the screening criteria for beneficiaries, and extensively rely on the screening recommendations of municipal and county disabled persons' federations. The final rescue object shall be determined in strict accordance with the screening criteria for beneficiaries.        
2. Connect with the civil affairs department and the Rural Revitalization Bureau, and take the assistance to the severely disabled in difficulties as an action to help rural revitalization.        
3. Supervise and monitor the whole process of project implementation, grasp the project progress in real time, strengthen communication and exchange with service objects, pay attention to information feedback from all parties, and pay close attention to public opinion. (4) Assistance mode: direct assistance
(5) Assistance standard: provide direct assistance to the severely disabled in difficulty, with the standard of 1000 yuan/person.      
(6) Expected effect: improve or periodically improve the quality of life of the severely disabled with difficulties, and reduce their life pressure.
(7) Execution plan:
1. Launched a charity project for the Central Plains - helping the severely disabled in difficulties, and joined hands with caring people from all walks of life to donate funds;
2. Relying on the organizations of the Disabled Persons' Federations of cities and counties in the province, the number of people with severe disabilities in difficulty and relevant information should be surveyed, and the list of recipients should be determined;
3. Adhering to the principle of facilitating the recipients, the fund-raising and implementation of the project will be carried out simultaneously, and the funds and materials allocation and activities for the severely disabled with difficulties in receiving assistance will be promoted and carried out as soon as possible;
4. Sort out relevant information, archive in volumes, and complete financial disclosure. Every appropriation will be transparently and openly fed back and subject to public supervision.
      3、 Project budget table (open budget)
        4、 Institutional implementation capacity
Henan Disabled Persons Welfare Foundation was established with the approval of the People's Government of Henan Province in March 1985. It is a provincial public fund under the charge of the Provincial Disabled Persons' Federation. Adhering to the purpose of carrying forward the humanitarian spirit, we are enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, raise funds according to law, carry out projects to help the disabled and needy, and serve the disabled wholeheartedly. It has organized and implemented more than 260 public welfare projects for helping the disabled and the needy, such as helping the Central Plains to walk, listen, see, help the poor, help the students to learn, love rehabilitation, love medical treatment, culture, help the disabled, training and employment, help flood prevention and relief, epidemic prevention and control, poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, etc., benefiting a large number of disabled and other disadvantaged groups in our province, It has played a beneficial and complementary role in promoting the cause of the disabled in our province from rapid development to high-quality development. The Foundation has been awarded the "First Henan Charity Award" by the People's Government of Henan Province; The China Disabled Persons Welfare Foundation was rated as the "most powerful unit in implementing the project"; It was rated as "Home for the Disabled" and "Outstanding Contribution Unit for the Disabled" by the Working Committee for the Disabled of the People's Government of Henan Province, "Excellent Voluntary Service Organization" by the Steering Committee for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization of Henan Province, and "Excellent Social Organization" by the Department of Civil Affairs of Henan Province.

Filing No. of fundraising plan


Donation purpose

The fund raised through micro public welfare in this project mainly includes the following two items: 1. Living assistance fund: according to the standard of 1000 yuan/person, living assistance fund will be paid to the severely disabled people who have passed the application review and are qualified, and the fund will be directly transferred to their own or guardian's bank account. In principle, each person can only receive relief once a year. 2. Management fees of public offering institutions: 3% of the total amount raised is withdrawn as the management fees of public offering institutions, which is mainly used for sharing the administrative and office expenses of public offering institutions.

Invoicing method

Henan Provincial Welfare Foundation for the Disabled can issue an electronic donation invoice for your donation. 1. Please send an email to within 10 working days after the donation hnfljjh@163.com 2. The mail shall indicate: transaction order number, name, address, zip code, invoice title, donation project and donation amount; 3. We will issue the invoice and send it within 10 working days after receiving the email of invoice application submitted by donation netizens.; 4. If you have any questions or other needs, please call 037160856655 to feedback your needs.

Originating information


Henan Disabled Welfare Foundation
Official microblog of Henan Disabled Welfare Foundation

Implementation area: domestic

Donation receipt

Henan Disabled Welfare Foundation
Official microblog of Henan Disabled Welfare Foundation

contacts: He Zhiyong
contact information: 037160856655
Email: hnfljjh@163.com
Domicile: 151 Jinshui East Road, Zhengzhou, Henan
Registration authority: Henan Civil Affairs
Unified social credit code: five hundred and thirty-four thousand and one hundred trillion and seven billion nine hundred and fifty-seven million sixty-four thousand four hundred and forty-six
Charity organization legal person registration certificate: Click to view
Charity organization public donation qualification certificate: Click to view

Fund raising trends

Yang * * * pig 09.14 20:27

Let's salute the kindness! 20.00 yuan

Gone with the sun 09.12 17:06

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 10.00 yuan

Afternoon 09.06 02:26

Come with me, add strength to love! 1.00 yuan

Caring netizens 08.29 11:57

Help public welfare, let's start now! 1.90 yuan

Afternoon 08.18 23:55

Come with me, add strength to love! 1.00 yuan

Caring netizens 08.05 00:49

Let's salute the kindness! 50.00 yuan

Afternoon 07.20 16:11

Come with me, add strength to love! RMB 5.00

Use * * * 2 07.04 13:38

Passing warmth with concern, let actions express love! RMB 5.00

Caring netizens 07.02 21:02

Come with me, add strength to love! 20.00 yuan

Gone with the sun 07.02 10:51

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 20.00 yuan

progress report

seven point two four two thousand and twenty-four

At present, the progress of project fundraising is relatively slow. We will increase mobilization, actively promote and promote, and strive for better fundraising effect.

Submitted by Henan Disabled Welfare Foundation

four point one seven two thousand and twenty-four

@Henan Provincial Welfare Foundation for the Disabled has launched a public welfare project [Charity in the Central Plains -- Assistance Project for the Difficult and Severe Disabled], and we look forward to your attention and support!

Submitted by Henan Disabled Welfare Foundation