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Fund raising

Zero waste planet

environmental protection Through small and beautiful interesting activities, we appeal to the public to participate in zero waste activities and practice the concept of sustainable zero waste life.

Fund raised (yuan)
four hundred and eighteen

Donation receipt: Alxa SEE Public Welfare Organization


Project Details

In 2023, the SEE Foundation launched the "Zero Waste Planet" project, hoping to promote the reduction of domestic waste production in China, reduce the pollution and damage of domestic waste to the ecosystem, realize the mission of the whole people to participate in waste reduction and management, and achieve the vision of a zero waste planet.
The project focuses on three areas of city, wilderness and ocean, and launches three major topics of Clean City Action, Clean Ocean Action and Clean Wilderness Action, and carries out the project relying on four major action modes of collection, empowerment, public advocacy and scientific support.
In the context of international instruments promoting plastic pollution, we focus on three major areas to focus on promoting plastic reduction actions, enhance the public and industry's awareness of plastic reduction, advocate public participation in plastic pollution control actions, reduce the use of unnecessary disposable plastic products from the source, increase the number of plastic recycling and recycling ratio, and promote the business community to fulfill its responsibilities and innovate in the industry, Establish effective solutions for reuse and recycling.
Garbage has something to do with our lives. In the face of the three major global crises of climate change, biodiversity destruction and pollution, we need to rethink the complex economic and social problems behind the garbage problem.  
Reducing garbage production from the source is an important link in tackling climate change. Humans generate about 2.24 billion tons of urban solid waste every year, of which only 5% are managed and treated in relevant facilities. Every year, about 931 million tons of food are discarded or wasted, and as many as 140 tons of plastic waste enter the aquatic ecosystem. The large amount of waste generated by human society not only challenges the limits of urban governance, but also produces a large amount of carbon emissions in landfill and incineration.  
In 2023, in order to cope with the increasingly serious impact of waste on human health, economy and environment, the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme will also jointly designate March 30 as the International Zero Waste Day, aiming to draw the world's attention to the impact of waste, and encourage the world to take action at all levels to reduce pollution and waste, We also call on all stakeholders to participate in relevant activities, encourage everyone to prevent or minimize the generation of waste, and advocate the transformation of society to a circular economy.

In order to control the generation of waste from the source, the secondary recycling of goods is promoted in the middle end, and the waste management is promoted in the end. The SEE Foundation launched the Zero Waste Planet Weekend Action, aiming to appeal to the new generation of young people to pay attention to the concept of zero waste life, become the guardian of clean nature, and create a zero waste life through art exhibitions, workshops, markets and other diversified and fun ways.
Since 2012, the Beijing Entrepreneurs Environmental Protection Foundation (SEE Foundation) has been committed to promoting the reduction of domestic waste production in China, reducing the pollution and damage of domestic waste to the ecological environment, biological species and human beings themselves, and achieving a zero waste society in which all people participate in waste reduction and management. Up to now, it has supported more than 100 partners involved in waste issues to carry out activities, including promoting the practice of rural waste classification, promoting the clean operation of waste incineration plants, and promoting the advocacy and dissemination of a zero waste lifestyle. And take the lead in sorting out and dealing with electronic waste and other high threshold and difficult waste category management problems. We investigated 15 enterprises in the industry, released the Public Survey Report on Mobile Phone Use and Recycling, explored the current situation of the industry, discussed how to promote safe and reliable collection, recycling and disposal, and released the Public Action Manual on Waste Mobile Phone Recycling and Recycling to the public.   
In 2023, the SEE Foundation officially launched the "Zero Waste Planet" brand project, hoping to promote the reduction of domestic waste production in China, reduce the pollution and damage of domestic waste to the ecosystem, realize the mission of the whole people to participate in waste reduction and management, and achieve the vision of a zero waste planet. One year after its establishment, the Zero Waste Planet project has supported 16 partners to explore sustainable waste management in three major areas. It has carried out community waste classification and landing actions in 6 cities across the country, affecting 23 districts and counties, 92700 households, and 960.44 tons of waste has been reduced through waste classification and composting, and has accumulated in 7 cities in 4 provinces, More than 100 clean ocean beach campaigns were carried out, with more than 20000 participants.  

Beijing Entrepreneurs Environmental Protection Foundation (hereinafter referred to as SEE Foundation) was founded in 2008 by the Alxa SEE Ecological Association. It is committed to funding and supporting the growth of Chinese non-governmental environmental protection public welfare organizations, building a social protection platform for entrepreneurs, environmental protection public welfare organizations and the public to participate in, and jointly promoting ecological protection and sustainable development. At the end of 2014, the foundation was upgraded to a public fund, focusing on desertification prevention, climate and commercial sustainability, ecological protection and nature education, and marine protection, based on the development of environmental protection and public welfare industry.

Screening Criteria
1. The project will give priority to social organizations, social groups or institutions.
2. The project executor has carried out the advocacy work of zero waste concept for at least three consecutive years, and the propagation of zero waste concept will be the work content in the next two years.

Project Execution Plan
The Zero Waste Planet Weekend Action Plan carries out actions in ten cities across the country every year, including small zero waste art exhibitions, zero waste markets, zero waste salons, picking up actions, community composting, waste transformation and other public oriented actions.
Action 1: A small zero waste art exhibition, which uses waste to build an exhibition about waste and life, allows the public to participate in entertainment and re understand waste in participation.
Action 2: Carry out zero waste bazaar activities, integrating sustainable product stalls, interactive artwork, theme sharing, zero waste life exhibition, exhibition of old object transformation works, new generation of old objects and other forms of activities, so that everyone can understand and immerse in sustainable life at a close distance while visiting the bazaar easily and happily, and participate in it personally.
Action 3.
Action 4: Carry out the urban mountain and seaside picking up action, go out of the house, pick up the outdoor garbage, and take away the garbage that should not exist in the outdoor environment. At the same time, advocate that everyone in any outdoor scene has the responsibility to "bag" their garbage. Protect the environment by picking up garbage and reduce the negative impact of garbage on the ecosystem.
Action 5: Carry out zero waste community action, organize practice and publicity activities with the theme of "zero waste" in the community, such as community kitchen waste composting, recyclable day activities, waste recycling workshops, second-hand markets, lectures, etc., strengthen community residents' understanding and practice of the concept of zero waste, and bring zero waste into daily life.

Project budget

Disposal of surplus property
All the funds raised will be used for the implementation of various expenditures within the budget promised to the public by the project. If there are any surplus funds, they will be transferred to the same type of projects to continue implementation or used for the expenditure of other public welfare projects of the institution after being publicized to the public. All the funds will be disclosed through the platform for financial progress and subject to public supervision. If you have any questions, please contact Beijing Entrepreneurs Environmental Protection Foundation (SEE Foundation): Tel: 010-57505155/E-mail: public@see.org.cn

Filing No. of fundraising plan


Donation purpose

1. Zero waste planet action: support 10 zero waste related weekend activities nationwide, such as small zero waste art exhibition, zero waste market, zero waste salon, picking up action, community composting, waste transformation and other actions. 2. Public advocacy of Zero Waste Planet Action: small promotional videos, manuscripts, street interview records, etc. related to zero waste related activities, record the content of activities, increase interaction with the public, and improve public participation and enthusiasm through the design and production of derivatives of Zero Waste Planet Action. 3. Project implementation cost: used for travel and landing of project implementation personnel.

Invoicing method

Application for donation of bills Thank you for your trust and support for the public welfare project of Beijing Entrepreneurs Environmental Protection Foundation. If you need to apply for donation of bills, please prepare donation screenshots, 18 digit transaction order number, bill title, invoicing amount, contact number and other information and send them to the bill application email: public@see.org.cn Please apply for this year's donation note in this year. Due to the requirements of audit work, the invoice cannot be issued for another year. Please understand. Our institution can only issue electronic bills, which will be sent to the email address where you submit your application. Within 25 working days after receiving the email, we will verify your donation information and provide the corresponding bills. If you need to apply for a certificate, please prepare the donation screenshot, 18 digit transaction order number, certificate display name, contact number and other information and send them to the above email address, and we will arrange staff to contact you. How to view your donation information? Click "My Wallet" in "I", click "Settings" in "Three Points" in the upper right corner of the opened interface, click "Transaction Record", click the donation record, save the screenshot and record the "Transaction Order No.".

Originating information


Alxa SEE Public Welfare Organization
Alxa SEE public welfare organization official microblog

Implementation area: domestic

Donation receipt

Alxa SEE Public Welfare Organization
Alxa SEE public welfare organization official microblog

contacts: Xie Mengsi
contact information: 01057505155
Email: publicfr@see.org.cn
Domicile: Floor 4, Building 3, Yard 36, Chuangyuan Road, Chaolai Hi tech Industrial Park, Laiguangying, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Registration authority: Beijing Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs
Unified social credit code: 53110000682855355J
Charity organization legal person registration certificate: Click to view
Charity organization public donation qualification certificate: Click to view

Fund raising trends

Z * * * odd 09.22 12:44

Help public welfare, let's start now! 1.00 yuan

Seal * * * Fat 09.17 11:33

Come with me, add strength to love! 1.00 yuan

Caring netizens 09.16 03:21

Let's salute the kindness! 1.00 yuan

Record of issuing * * * 09.12 13:56

Passing warmth with concern, let actions express love! 38.00 yuan

Tang * * * Cake 09.12 13:06

Passing warmth with concern, let actions express love! 38.00 yuan

Blue swan 09.12 12:59

Come with me, add strength to love! 10.00 yuan

Four * * * years 09.12 11:54

Let's salute the kindness! 38.00 yuan

M * * * Hz 09.05 00:02

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 18.00 yuan

Cloud * * * 6 08.18 22:15

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 1.00 yuan

Yang * * * pig 08.11 21:53

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 20.00 yuan

progress report

seven point one nine two thousand and twenty-four

In June of this year, the SEE Foundation and the Labs completed the online video course of "Community Family Zero Waste Practice", which is intended to solve the problem from three aspects of "clothing, housing and transportation". At present, the video is still perfect and is expected to be released in September.

Submitted by Alxa SEE public welfare organization

five point two three two thousand and twenty-four

Have you noticed that the number of plastic products around you has been increasing? The global theme of Earth Day on April 22, 2024 is "Global War Sculpture". Plastic products are not only convenient for our lives, but also cause pollution and damage to the environment. In March 2022, the Fifth United Nations Environment Conference passed the resolution of Ending Plastic Pollution: Developing an International Instrument with Legal Binding Force, and decided to establish an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to reach an international legally binding agreement on plastic pollution prevention. He also hopes to reach an internationally legally binding agreement in 2024, covering the entire life cycle of plastic products, including their production, design, recycling and treatment. From April 23 to April 30, 2024, the fourth meeting of the Committee (INC-4) was held in Ottawa, Canada. On the eve of the meeting, The SEE Foundation and the China Environmental Protection Federation supported Chinese non-governmental environmental protection organizations to hold thematic side meetings in the local area, share and exchange research and exploration on plastic pollution control from different perspectives, present the multi participation and practice in China's plastic pollution control, and at the end of the activity, 14 civil environmental protection organizations and think tanks jointly issued a joint initiative, which includes policy formulation The suggestions of China's non-governmental environmental protection organizations were expressed from the perspectives of research in relevant fields, limiting problematic plastics, supporting new economic models, stakeholder cooperation, work publicity, and strengthening national cooperation.

Submitted by Alxa SEE public welfare organization

four point zero nine two thousand and twenty-four

@Alxa SEE public welfare organization has launched a public welfare project [Zero Waste Life Zero Waste Weekend], looking forward to your attention and support!

Submitted by Alxa SEE public welfare organization