Micro public welfare > Long term projects > Project Details


Health protection of rural children

medical assistance It protects the life and health of children in remote mountainous areas.

Fund raised (yuan)

Donation receipt: Beijing Xingyuan Public Welfare Foundation


Project Details

In remote areas, we found a series of complex and urgent medical problems troubling children and their families. First of all, some children suffer from diseases, but due to remote geography and lack of medical resources, they are faced with the dilemma of not finding the cause. This group of children may have been wandering on the edge of the medical system and failed to get the necessary professional diagnosis, so they lack a clear understanding of the condition and cannot seek targeted treatment.
Secondly, some families have known about the causes of children, but due to geographical obstacles, they cannot easily go to big cities to seek more advanced medical treatment. This makes them fall into the dilemma of knowing that they are ill and can not get effective treatment. The condition may continue to develop and have a lasting impact on children's physical and mental health.
Finally, some families are facing financial constraints and cannot afford to go to big cities for medical treatment. Even though they know the cause of the disease, they are still frustrated by the economic constraints, unable to provide professional treatment for their children, which further aggravates the challenge of the disease.
This series of problems highlights the weakness of medical services for children in remote areas, which makes this group face the triple dilemma of being unable to obtain accurate diagnosis, professional treatment and medical expenses. In order to solve these deep-seated problems, we launched the public welfare project of adolescent disease screening. By introducing medical professionals from developed cities, we aim to provide this group with comprehensive medical services. By notifying and contacting these children's families with unknown causes, unable to go to big cities for medical treatment, or lacking economic ability in advance, we will carry out disease screening activities for 1-2 days in remote areas to provide them with timely professional medical services. Eliminate regional barriers, so that adolescents in remote areas will no longer lose the opportunity for treatment due to the shortage of medical resources. The goal of the project is to provide help for these children facing multiple problems, improve their living conditions and achieve comprehensive protection of children's health rights and interests through innovative medical service models.  
In order to support families in distress more comprehensively, we pay special attention to those families who cannot afford to go to big cities for medical treatment because of financial constraints. In this group, even if the cause of children is understood, the way of treatment is still limited economically. In order to solve this problem, the project also raises the cost of treatment for these difficult families, so as to ensure that they will not give up or postpone medical treatment for their children because of their financial burden. This economic assistance service is not only a care for sick children, but also a support for the whole family. It aims to help them get rid of the medical difficulties caused by financial constraints, so that they can safely seek professional medical help, and ensure that every child can be treated and cared under the best medical conditions.  

Introduction to Xiaoxingxin Public Welfare
Xiaoxingxin Public Welfare is a non-governmental public welfare organization initiated by a group of public spirited partners. Its original intention is to help children in need obtain health and care, and it is committed to providing services in the fields of helping doctors, disabled people, poor people and students. At present, we have public welfare projects such as providing free board and lodging for families seeking medical treatment in other places, improving material and psychological empowerment for rural children, screening for diseases for children and adolescents in remote areas, providing medical assistance for children in distress, and providing educational assistance for children of migrant workers.

Project Execution Plan
Assistance time: 2024.2-2024.12
Assistance area: Yunnan Province
Assistance target: children in rural difficulties
Screening of assistance objects: the local health and construction committee will provide the screening list, and the assistance objects will be confirmed after the final review of the institution. The assistance mode: disease screening will be screened by doctors in Grade III A hospitals one to many, and the diagnosed child assistance will be one-to-one medical fund for public assistance.
Expected results: The project team hopes to successfully improve the early detection rate of potential diseases of children in remote areas through screening services, help timely intervention and treatment, slow down disease progress, and ensure that more children and families with diseases can be informed of and participate in screening services through notification from social organizations and family contacts, Realize the overall improvement of the coverage of health services in the whole community.

Project budget
Budget review description: Beijing Xingyuan Public Welfare Foundation has reviewed the budget of this project according to the Foundation's budget procurement standards and procurement process specifications, and confirmed that it conforms to the Foundation's budget formulation specifications and procurement specifications. If you have any questions, please contact: Foundation Tel: 010-59483308/4000919139/E-mail info@yyf.org.cn

Filing No. of fundraising plan


Donation purpose

In remote areas, due to lack of medical resources and inconvenient transportation, children's health problems are often ignored because they cannot receive timely professional diagnosis and treatment. Many children suffering from potential diseases face the risk of declining quality of life, academic impairment and even life threat. Because of information asymmetry, these families know little about the available medical resources, which leads to the neglect of many medical problems. Developed cities have rich medical resources and professional teams, advanced medical technology and rich experience in diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, introducing these medical professional teams to remote areas has become a public welfare action with far-reaching social influence. The project team hopes that through screening services, the early detection rate of potential diseases of children in remote areas will be improved successfully, which will help timely intervention and treatment, slow down the progress of the disease. Through notification from social organizations and family contacts, it will ensure that more families of children with diseases can be informed of and participate in screening services, so as to comprehensively improve the coverage of health services in the whole community. We promise that the public offering institution has reviewed the budget of this project and confirmed that it conforms to the established norms. The sponsors, major donors and management personnel of the charity organizations involved in this project shall not use their affiliations to damage the interests of the charity organizations, beneficiaries and the public interest. According to our relevant financial rules and regulations, for the procurement For entrusted matters, we will carry out third-party price comparison or public bidding to ensure the compliance and effective use of donations. Minimum executable amount of the project: 500 yuan If the donation fails to meet the execution conditions, the donation will be changed to the same type of projects of the organization. If the project cannot be carried out normally due to force majeure during the implementation process, the remaining donation will be used for other similar public welfare projects of the organization, and the explanation of donation change will be publicized.

Invoicing method

Beijing Xingyuan Public Welfare Foundation will issue electronic donation receipts for netizens participating in the donation. If necessary, please send your name, address, contact information, bill title, donation amount and transaction screenshot to info@yyf.org.cn , a donation note will be issued for you after confirmation. Donation notes can only be issued for the current year, and cannot be issued across years. Thank you for your trust and understanding.

Originating information


Xiaoxingxin Public Welfare
Xiaoxingxin Youth Public Welfare Service Center Official Weibo

Implementation area: domestic

Donation receipt

Beijing Xingyuan Public Welfare Foundation
Official microblog of Beijing Xingyuan Public Welfare Foundation

contacts: Kuang Lifang
contact information: eighteen billion five hundred and fourteen million two hundred and eighty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventeen
Email: info@yyf.org.cn
Domicile: Room 825, Floor 7, Building 2, Chaoyangmen South Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Registration authority: Beijing Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs
Unified social credit code: five hundred and thirty-one thousand and one hundred trillion and seven hundred and seventeen million one hundred and ninety-four thousand two hundred and sixty-seven
Charity organization legal person registration certificate: Click to view
Charity organization public donation qualification certificate: Click to view

Fund raising trends

Lin * * * 6 07.30 16:05

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 15.00 yuan

Can be * * * 7 07.29 20:22

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! RMB 8.00

Lin * * * 6 07.29 17:50

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 15.00 yuan

Lin * * * 07.29 14:57

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 50.00 yuan

Use * * * 8 07.29 13:51

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 1.00 yuan

Can be * * * 7 07.29 11:48

Come with me, add strength to love! RMB 3.00

Xin * * * 7 07.29 08:00

Come with me, add strength to love! 1.00 yuan

Lin * * * 6 07.28 08:49

Let's salute the kindness! 15.00 yuan

Star * * * y 07.28 08:00

Passing warmth with concern, let actions express love! 1.00 yuan

Constant climbing 07.28 03:20

Let's salute the kindness! 4.00 yuan

progress report

seven point three one two thousand and twenty-four

Submitted by Beijing Xingyuan Public Welfare Foundation

seven point zero one two thousand and twenty-four

Thank you for your help and support for the project. The project team has negotiated with all departments of the hospital and is expected to go to the project implementation site to conduct medical screening for rural children around the beginning of July. The main screening diseases include congenital heart disease, blood disease, malignant tumor and some rare diseases.

Submitted by Beijing Xingyuan Public Welfare Foundation

three point two eight two thousand and twenty-four

@Beijing Xingyuan Public Welfare Foundation has claimed the public welfare project [Rural Children Health Care], and we look forward to your attention and support!

Submitted by Beijing Xingyuan Public Welfare Foundation

three point two eight two thousand and twenty-four

@Xiaoxingxin Public Welfare has launched a public welfare project [Rural Children Health Care], and we look forward to your attention and support!

Submitted by Xiaoxingxin Public Welfare