Micro public welfare > Long term projects > Project Details

Fund raising

Protect the stars and care for mental disorders

Child and female protection Help autistic children to be understood, accepted and integrated, and be able to effectively recover, integrate into society and grow happily

Fund raised (yuan)
one hundred and ninety-seven

Donation receipt: Huayi Public Welfare Foundation


Project Details

Thousands of times of prayer, only for miracles
When Niuniu (pseudonym) was one year old, Mother Zhang (pseudonym) found the child's abnormality: "Niuniu could not look at others, and she had no reaction, no pronunciation, and poor coordination of limbs." Mother Zhang and her husband took Niuniu to the hospital for inspection. First, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and then she was diagnosed with severe typical autism. Mother Zhang looked at the little girl in her arms. Her eyes were big, her skin was white, and her hair was black. She was so cute. She asked herself again and again, "How did the child get this disease?"
(When Niuniu was a child, her parents hoped to use acupuncture and other treatments to make her better... This picture has been authorized)
Young Niuniu can't stretch his fingers straight, nor can he lift his arms, so he will fall down when he walks. "Since then, my father and I have devoted almost all our energy to our children." Mother Zhang said that she seemed "trapped" at that time, and she was obsessed with learning how to get along with autistic children and how to help them with behavior training intervention. She prayed that miracles would happen again and again, and only in this way could she have a little sense of security, Feel a little hope of life.
It's not too late, only can't afford it
"Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, open your mouth and say, you can" In the rehabilitation center, the teacher is carrying out systematic rehabilitation training with foam. Mo Mo (not her real name) lives in Nanpiao District, Huludao City. Her father suffers from serious mental illness and her mother suffers from mild mental retardation. Mo Mo could not speak when she was 4 years old. She could only make "ah, ah" sounds, ignored people, didn't listen to instructions, didn't look at adults, and didn't communicate with adults. When Dad got sick, he often fought against Mo Mo, who never took the initiative to resist.  
(I don't know if Mo Mo thinks ham sausage is a delicious food... The picture has been authorized)
After discovering Mo Mo's condition, her family took her to the hospital for examination. Mo Mo was diagnosed as an autism spectrum disorder. "The cost of autism rehabilitation treatment is high, which is hard for families like us to bear, so we have not intervened in Mo Mo's illness, which has led to the gradual severity of the illness and further social barriers." Mo Mo's grandmother said to us in tears.
The number of mentally handicapped children is far more than you and I can imagine
The number of autistic children like Niuniu and Momo is far beyond our imagination. According to the sixth national population census and the second national sampling survey of the disabled, there are about 12 million to 20 million people with mental disorders in China, including people with developmental retardation (mental retardation), autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, and Down's syndrome. Restricted by public awareness, regional medical level and medical resources, most of the mentally handicapped have not received scientific and systematic treatment and rehabilitation. Some families, like foam, are unable to pay expensive fees and have to give up the opportunity of children's education and rehabilitation. Some parents, because of long-term care for special children, under multiple pressures of economy, spirit and society, Deeply trapped in suffocating despair, he even thought of taking his children to "get rid of it". Every mentally handicapped family is experiencing hardships and hardships that are unimaginable to ordinary people.  
(Mother Zhang takes Niuniu to participate in the aesthetic education training for autistic children organized by the Huayi Foundation... The picture comes from the real shooting.)
(In August 2023, the activity of "accompany with love, picture loneliness", Huayi Foundation's aesthetic education and rehabilitation class with many autistic children... The picture is from the real shooting)
(In the Huayi Public Welfare Park, autistic children, accompanied by project staff and volunteers, let the paper plane of hope fly together... The picture is from real photography)
Caring for the mentally handicapped group, containing all your support with love, will be transformed into one material teaching aid box, one intervention and rehabilitation training class, one integration and care activities, and one friendly space for mental disorders everywhere, to help the mentally handicapped children get training and healing opportunities, have the ability to survive independently, and embrace a colorful life.
Wish to light up the stars with dim light
(The happy moment of Niuniu and his mother captured by the camera at the scene of the integrated film watching activity... The picture is from the real shooting)
So far, the series of caring for mental disorders has benefited more than 750 groups of families with mental disorders, sent rehabilitation training aids to more than 300 mental disorders, provided systematic rehabilitation training courses for 39 mental disorders, and carried out 17 caring and integration activities covering multiple themes and forms, such as integrated viewing, manual experience, painting and creation.
This project will provide the following support for people with mental disorders:
1. Support of rehabilitation teaching aid box for mentally handicapped
It provides mental disorder groups with autism, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome and other mental disorders nationwide with beaded fishing game set, snail balance board, oral training card, anti losing traction rope, anti electric shock safety plug, table corner anti-collision strip, safety anti-collision angle L-shaped safety anti-collision angle, anti door safety lock, door and window limiter, thinking cognition training card, shape building block box, children's wooden magnetic apple tree counting toys and other rehabilitation training aids and safety assurance tools to assist special children in professional and family rehabilitation training.
2. Rehabilitation training intervention course support for mentally disabled
We will provide subsidies for rehabilitation and self-care ability training courses for people with mental disorders such as autism, cerebral palsy and Down's syndrome across the country, help them carry out continuous behavioral training, reduce the economic burden and psychological pressure of rehabilitation intervention for people with special needs and their families, and help people with mental disorders master the ability to take care of themselves in fine life, Lay the foundation for their independent and happy life. (Give priority to families of special groups in difficult situations with special hardship certificates, low guarantees and other difficult certificates)
3. Integrated care and support
Through the integration of different themes and scenes, such as film watching, painting, and painting, the integration of caring activities will promote the coexistence and integration of mentally handicapped children and ordinary children, create an equal participation in social life, inclusive and friendly social atmosphere, and help mentally handicapped groups integrate into society.
4. City friendly space building support
Cooperate with the existing offline physical stores in the city to jointly establish an urban friendly space for mentally handicapped groups, allocate offline physical IP images, guidance signs, exhibition boards, commemorative cultural and creative products and other display materials, tables, chairs, exhibition racks and other equipment and facilities for the space, and divide the space into autism knowledge and science popularization interaction area, special children's painting exhibition area, special family rest area, etc. according to the actual situation of the space, To create a friendly environment for mentally handicapped groups from point to area. At the same time, in the form of public card collection, it helps to light up the city's "Star Universe" space, create a friendly atmosphere of understanding, acceptance and care for the mentally handicapped groups, help the mentally handicapped groups eliminate social barriers and grow smoothly (the cost of building and creating the friendly space is 2000 yuan/place in the first year, and 1000 yuan/place in the second year)
The Huayi Foundation appeals to the caring people from all walks of life to work with us to help special groups of families out of the haze, help them open their hearts, help them return to the crowd, and light up the heart of the road to recovery for the mentally disabled. I believe that with our concerted efforts, these special children can also welcome the warm spring sun and light up the hope of life!
Project budget:
The "minimum executable amount" of the project is 1000 yuan. If the final donation is less than the minimum executable amount, 5% of the donation from the same type of project or disability assistance project will be used as the management expenses of the public institution for the administrative, financial, shared site, office supplies and other expenses of the institution
Execution plan:
Annual execution cycle
March 2024 - April 2024: The project enters the fund-raising stage. For the region where the project is to be carried out, take Liaoning Province as an example, Shenyang as the first place of implementation. Each project team will screen and confirm the list of assistance through communication with partner institutions
From May 2024 to February 2026: the project team will raise funds and publicize through social mobilization, distribute rehabilitation training aids, provide systematic rehabilitation training courses, carry out offline integration and care activities, and create urban friendly spaces for special children who meet the assistance standards
March 2026: The project team will summarize the phased project, improve and update the project content, and sort out the annual project archive vouchers and other materials
Expected assistance areas: whole country
Recipients: Autistic children, children with mental disorders, children with mental retardation, language development disorders, cerebral palsy and other limb or nerve development disorders and other special children
Screening criteria: Special children under 18 years old with autism, mental disorder, mental retardation, language development disorder, cerebral palsy and other limb or nerve development disorders
Description of execution capability: Shenyang Huayi Public Welfare Foundation (hereinafter referred to as Huayi Foundation) is an AAAAA public charity organization established in 2018 and a member of the China Charity Federation. It is committed to the four hub functions of the foundation - the hub of social cognition and charity connotation, the hub of social wealth and philanthropic investment, the hub of social resources and charity projects It is the hub of social public and charity activities to promote the overall development of charity in Northeast China. As the philanthropic core and operating body of Huayi Public Welfare Cluster, the Foundation, together with other institutions in the cluster, plays an important role in the three major sectors of "social assistance", "social development" and "social innovation". Huayi Foundation is positioned as a follower of shared development, a linker of social resources, a promoter of industry construction, and a great communicator of philanthropic ideas. Since its establishment, it has provided all-round and systematic care and support to hundreds of thousands of people who serve; Cooperate with industry partners, caring enterprises, the public and other forces to link social resources, guide wealth towards good, and realize the efficiency and sustainability of charity forces; Promote industry development by building industry infrastructure, incubating and cultivating social organizations, public welfare projects and industry talents; We will take it as our responsibility to spread the concept of charity, continue to carry out brand activities, and promote the public to understand charity and go into charity.  

Filing No. of fundraising plan


Donation purpose

Send rehabilitation training aids to mentally handicapped groups, provide subsidies for professional intervention and self-care ability training courses, carry out offline integration and care activities, create a city friendly space for mentally handicapped groups, and spend on online and offline public welfare publicity and advocacy activities, project implementation fees, management fees of public institutions and other related expenses.

Invoicing method

1. Shenyang Huayi Public Welfare Foundation can issue legal public welfare donation bills for the caring people who support the project; 2. Considering the mailing cost and other factors, we can issue and mail paper bills for donors who have an invoice demand for each donation of more than 100 yuan (for donations of less than 100 yuan, scanning copies of bills can be sent if necessary); 3. If you have any other comments and suggestions, please send them to our work email huayifoundation@163.com Thank you for your trust and understanding!

Originating information


Huayi Public Welfare Foundation
Official microblog of Liaoning Huayi Public Welfare Foundation

Implementation area: domestic

Donation receipt

Huayi Public Welfare Foundation
Official microblog of Liaoning Huayi Public Welfare Foundation

contacts: Zhang Ximingzi
contact information: four billion six million thirty-two thousand and eighteen
Email: huayifoundation@163.com
Domicile: Room 502, Floor 5, Chengjian Beishang Office Building, 21-8 Jinshan North Road, Huanggu District, Shenyang, Liaoning
Registration authority: Shenyang Civil Affairs Bureau
Unified social credit code: 53210100MJ28660421
Charity organization legal person registration certificate: Click to view
Charity organization public donation qualification certificate: Click to view

Fund raising trends

f***s 09.13 12:25

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 5.90 yuan

Caring netizens 09.13 08:50

Help public welfare, let's start now! 70.00 yuan

Caring netizens 09.09 21:11

Let's salute the kindness! 10.00 yuan

Applicable * * * d 09.09 15:01

Help public welfare, let's start now! RMB 8.00

D * * * Yang 09.02 08:02

Come with me, add strength to love! 31.91 yuan

It's * * * 08.28 22:09

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 100.00 yuan

Caring netizens 08.28 12:17

Public welfare has no size, action is an example! 70.00 yuan

Caring netizens 08.28 09:46

Come with me, add strength to love! 10.00 yuan

and Pu Yixing Fans Public Welfare Team Contribute together

Caring netizens 08.27 21:46

Let's salute the kindness! 10.00 yuan

Ah * * * Wake up 08.27 10:29

Come with me, add strength to love! 10.00 yuan

and Xiaoling's hemp powder Contribute together

progress report

eight point one six two thousand and twenty-four

Statement on Preventing Illegal Persons from Using the Charity Project of Liaoning Huayi Public Welfare Foundation to Engage in Fraud Activities

Submitted by Huayi Public Welfare Foundation

seven point two five two thousand and twenty-four

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that mainly affects patients' social interaction, communication ability and behavior patterns. It is not only a medical term, but also a challenge and persistence faced by countless families day and night. Since its launch, the project of "bless the stars to care about mental illness" has received continuous attention and support from the society. Here, the project team expresses its gratitude to the caring netizens of the micro public welfare platform, and calls on the caring people from all walks of life to continue to pay attention to the project of "bless the stars to care about mental illness". Every attention and support is a great inspiration and strength for autistic children and their families. Let's work together to support a blue sky for autistic children with love and action. I believe that in the near future, they will be able to shine their own light in the starry sky!

Submitted by Huayi Public Welfare Foundation

three point two seven two thousand and twenty-four

@Huayi Public Welfare Foundation has launched a public welfare project [Bless the Stars for Mental Disorders], and we look forward to your attention and support!

Submitted by Huayi Public Welfare Foundation