Survey on the Status Quo of Public Welfare Donations in
Background Introduction  
In order to continue to adhere to the public welfare concept of "promoting public welfare and advocating social public welfare", pay close attention to poor groups and build a harmonious society, the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, together with external forces, launched the establishment of a loving organization - Friends of Poverty Alleviation Club through monthly donations. >>>Details
Activity description  

The survey started on September 30, 2007 and ended on January 6, 2008. The respondents are Chinese citizens over the age of 18 who have donated to public welfare undertakings at least once in the past year. The respondents' occupations, industries, income levels, etc. can basically reflect the overall situation of Chinese public welfare groups.

· "Friends of Poverty Alleviation" Club   · "Poverty Alleviation Month Donation Plan"

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation

The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation is a public welfare organization in charge of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council and registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Since its establishment in 1989, it has always taken the responsibility of paying attention to suffering, delivering care and promoting harmony, helping 4 million poor people benefit, and has become one of the largest public welfare organizations in the field of poverty alleviation in China.

In order to continue to adhere to the public welfare concept of "promoting public welfare and advocating social public welfare", pay close attention to the poor groups and build a harmonious society, the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation has joined forces with the financial, business, diplomatic, educational, international friends, literary and art circles, sports circles, celebrities and celebrities from all provinces (cities) The Fellowship Association and other organizations initiated the establishment of a loving organization - the Friends of Poverty Alleviation Club in the form of monthly donations.         >>>Details

Voluntary donations are welcome Generally support the small amount initiative donation mode advocated by the "Poverty Alleviation Month Donation Plan"
The public considers the following situations as passive donations
1. The unit directly deducts from its own salary
2. Students' donation organized by the school
3. Limited threshold donation of unit organization
4. Donation assessment of community or other organizations
5. Individuals or institutions take the initiative to solicit funds from themselves
6. Publicize donations to the public in public places
7. Other passive contributions
Nearly eight adults do not agree with passive donation
The unit's deduction of employee's salary as donation is considered as "passive donation"
In many ways of donation, which are considered as "passive donation"? The survey shows that nearly 60% (59.5%) of the respondents believe that the unit directly deducts part of its salary income for donation as passive donation, and 53.2% of the respondents regard the activities organized by the school for students to donate as "passive donation".
   31.6% and 38.0% believed that "donations solicited from individuals or institutions" and "donations solicited from the public in public places (or in the media)" were "passive donations" [ detailed ]
Nearly eight adults believe that passive donations discourage citizens from participating in public welfare undertakings
According to this survey, 79.2% of the respondents believe that passive donations discourage citizens from participating in public welfare undertakings. This also reveals the current situation to a certain extent from one aspect.
In the face of public demands, it has become a major historical task for China's public welfare organizations to thoroughly examine the deep-seated reasons for the formation of the current situation of low individual donation share, and to effectively advocate and disseminate public welfare ideas through systematic planning and system design, so as to stimulate rather than continue to dampen the enthusiasm of the public to participate in public welfare undertakings [ detailed ]
Core issues
· The unit's deduction of employee's salary as donation is considered as "passive donation"
· Nearly eight adults believe that passive donations discourage citizens from participating in public welfare undertakings
Summary of views
"I hope to wake me up with the reality that really touches my heart and tell me that I want to do something for them rather than apportion it to me."
   ——Mr. Li, a telecom enterprise in Guangzhou
"This is really a good move. People with ability take the initiative to give their own love, so that more people can get help and better convey their love 。”
——Miss Ma, who is engaged in business in Shanghai
"Donations should be based on everyone's own ability, and should also be transparent in the use and management of donations. Only in this way can we be more 'proactive' and 'virtuous circle'."
  ——Interviewee Wang Xiaoming
More than three adults often make passive donations
Pay attention to the use of funds  
The reason why the public did not take the initiative to obtain the use of donations
1. The amount of donation is too small, sorry
2. I am too busy to pay attention
3. Didn't expect to pay attention to the use of donations
4. There is no need to pay attention to the use of donations because of compassion
                 [ Illustration
75.7% of respondents concerned about the use of donations
The public hopes that the information on the use of donations will be disclosed on the websites of public welfare institutions and portals
What kind of information feedback is popular with the public? The survey shows that 78.5% of the respondents said that it should be published on the websites or portals of public welfare institutions, 77.2% of the respondents wanted to know about this information by email, and 68.4% of the respondents preferred traditional media such as television or newspapers [ detailed ]
Donations add up, which can stimulate the public's enthusiasm for public welfare
The "Friends of Poverty Alleviation" club can accumulate personal long-term small donations, which is similar to the snowball effect. After a certain period of time, it will become a large amount of donations. How does the public view this enthusiasm for promoting the use and efficiency of donations?
According to the survey, 52.6% of the respondents answered in the affirmative, while only 4.2% held the opposite view. For such a motion, which is still a new topic in the field of public welfare in China, the survey data shows that 43.2% of the respondents are noncommittal on this issue[ detailed ]
Core issues
· Public welfare organizations have a long way to go in terms of information feedback to donors
· The public's initiative in obtaining information about the use of donations is not strong. I'm sorry for the small amount of donations
Introduction to China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation


Donation mode and attitude  
Evaluation of the "Friends of Poverty Alleviation" Model
1. Convenient, saving time and energy
2. Increased enthusiasm for donations
3. Strong safety
4. Management science
5. Such donation system should have been established long ago
6. Not much different from other donation modes [ Illustration
Respondents' expected donation mode
1. Collection box in public places
2. SMS donation
3. Online banking transfer
4. Mail transfer
5. Regular and fixed deduction from the designated account by the authorized bank
                [ Illustration
SMS and online banking transfer will gradually become the mainstream way of donation
With the development of new public welfare concepts, a large number of new public welfare activities and financial transaction methods, such as SMS, online banking and other new donation methods are gradually accepted and promoted by people. Mobile SMS and online banking transfer account for 27.9%. These two methods are the most used except for "donation boxes". Mobile SMS The convenience of online banking is gradually reflected in public donation, and these two ways will also become the mainstream way of donation[ detailed ]
Nearly 40% of respondents agree with the donation method of "Friends of Poverty Alleviation"
The highest ranking donation mode expected by the respondents is still the donation box in public places, which accounts for 57.0%. Thanks to the convenience of SMS donation, 48.1% people support it.
We found that 38.0% of the "Friends of Poverty Alleviation" donations were made in the form of "providing a bank account, and the public welfare organizations will regularly deduct from the account"[ detailed ]
Core viewpoints
· The donation mode of "Poverty Alleviation Monthly Donation Plan" is convenient, saving time and energy
· The public thinks that the existing donation mode is "convenient but not safe"
Current awareness of tax reduction on donations
1. Sixty percent of donors do not know that they can apply for individual income tax reduction or exemption by virtue of special donation invoices
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2. 65.5% of people donated money but did not apply for tax relief. The main reason is that they do not know the relevant regulations
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The reason why the donation did not apply for tax relief
Friends of Poverty Club  
62.9% of respondents think they belong to "public welfare group"
Donors hope to communicate among "public welfare groups"
More than eight adults believe that the amount of donations should not be the only standard for commendation
Public welfare organizations often hold grand commendation activities or release ceremonies for enterprises or individuals who have made huge donations to them, which is understandable, but this survey found that more than 80% (82.8%) of the public think that public welfare organizations should not only commend high value donors, but also commend and encourage individuals who have made small but long-term donations[ detailed ]
The "Friends of Poverty Alleviation" Club helps to improve personal enthusiasm for public welfare
The survey shows that 82.3% of the respondents believe that the "Friends of Poverty Alleviation" club can effectively improve the enthusiasm of the public to participate in public welfare. This shows that the organization form advocated by the Foundation for Poverty Alleviation can be widely accepted by the public. The high consistency between the club's system design and the public's willingness to accept is conducive to the development of public welfare activities and the spread of public welfare concepts, and also to the smooth development of fund-raising activities[ detailed ]
Core issues
· Public participation in "Friends of Poverty Alleviation" is enthusiastic
· Whether members of "Friends of Poverty Alleviation" symbolize their status is controversial
Highlight recommendation
China Trip to Poverty Alleviation Blood Donation Party Save blood disease
Xinmei Evening Party Send warmth and love Happy Walk

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