Toss blog reviewer level, will magnetic mobile phone bracket damage mobile phone- Gojira

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Toss blog reviewer level, will magnetic mobile phone bracket damage mobile phone?

Monday, May 17, 2021 lunar calendar April 6th, 2021 [Year of the Ox], Gregorian calendar, Xinchou year, Guisi month, Yichou day, Taurus

Today is another day of uninterrupted rain. The temperature is 20 degrees lower than the previous day, isn't it horrible? It was 36 degrees the day before yesterday and 16 degrees today.

Today Monday, again equity market I didn't watch the opening day shares It's boring to think about it.

I got up very early today. I saw the latest blog post of Uncle Qin this morning. It said that the user information can not be added to the website with this new topic comment. I thought it would be very easy to add a sentence in less than a minute code It can be fixed, but after adding it, I found that it was not fixed, so I continued to struggle. Later, I left a message for him when I was done, telling him to download the file and overwrite it. Suddenly, I found that enthusiastic Lin Yufan also left a message saying that he had already done it, and sent a detailed blog 😓

I stopped by to read his blog and saw another Blog I also want to add a rating function to the link of rating modification. I also tried to add a comment rating to my blog, because I didn't find the appropriate rating icon, so I didn't put the icon for the time being. Later, when I met the beautiful and appropriate icon, I added it again. The css style is copied from Lin Yufan (linyufan. com), which is convenient, ha ha ha ha.

 Mobile magnetic mobile phone holder this Magnetic mobile phone holder Its service life has ended since the moment of purchase.

A few years ago mobile phone One is placed in the central control vertical, the other is clamped in the air outlet, but it can't be clamped at all. It often falls down, which is not suitable. The phone placed in the central console is too bad for the phone in summer. The phone will give a high temperature alarm soon after the central console is placed in summer.
So I bought a magnet the other day Mobile phone holder Prepare to place it next to the air outlet, and immediately realize that the strong magnetism of this thing may damage the phone after placing the order. I immediately checked on the Internet and found that many people said that the strong magnetic mobile phone holder damaged the mobile phone, and I was too lazy to return cheap things.
The impact of strong magnetic field on mobile phones is that the mobile phones will not be damaged immediately, but will slowly break down within one to several months, mainly manifested as stuck, lost files, slow response, inaccurate positioning or positioning failure.

But this is also a one-sided statement of these people, but it coincides with my own idea. At present, I have not seen the official media or persuasive relevant science popularization, and I don't know whether it will hurt, Insurance For the sake of it, I still don't use it.

May 17, 2021.0Today Stock loss/gain situation

Stock name Number of shares Today's increase% Current profit and loss Total increase% Total profit and loss
PetroChina twenty-eight thousand 0.21% 273 yuan -21.05% -34776 yuan
Dongxu Blue Sky twenty-two thousand -2.96% -1758 yuan -66.95% -116754 yuan
Taihe Group twenty-six thousand -4.07% -2857 yuan -60.77% -104312 yuan
Shuanglu Pharmaceutical twenty-five thousand 4.20% 12495 yuan -1.78% -5600 yuan
Jiacheng International five thousand 0.54% 884 yuan -20.51% -42455 yuan
Precision forging technology thirteen thousand -0.09% -122 yuan -29.48% -56732 yuan
Aolian Electronics fifteen thousand -1.01% -1795 yuan -8.54% -16410 yuan
Dongxu Blue Sky 2 forty thousand -2.96% -3197 yuan 16.96% 15200 yuan
Luoniu Mountain thirty-three thousand 0.12% 327 yuan 3.47% 9174 yuan
Sanquan Food six thousand 1.22% 1495 yuan -29.52% -51948 yuan
Jiangxi Copper six thousand 1.69% 2693 yuan -8.88% -15774 yuan
zijin mining twelve thousand 3.52% 4672 yuan -18.82% -31848 yuan
ROPT four thousand -0.38% -391 yuan -38.85% -65132 yuan
Hengyi Petrochemical five thousand 1.41% 897 yuan 0.86% 550 yuan
Profit and loss of clearance : -102931 yuan Current profit and loss: 13616 yuan Total profit and loss: -619748 yuan

Shanghai Stock Exchange Index: 3517.62 points, up+27.24 points, up+0.78%
1316 stocks rose today, with an increase limit of 42 stocks
2891 stocks fell today, Drop limit 132
Today, there are many gainers in the market, but the comparison between the number of losers and the number of limit losers and the number of gainers is too scary.

Original articles of GOJIRA.NET cannot be reproduced without permission! Current page: Gojira » Toss blog reviewer level, will magnetic mobile phone bracket damage mobile phone?

comment thirty-five

  1. No kidding, it will reduce my message frequency if there is a level.

    roughly L4 Elite 2021.05.30 22:55:29 reply
  2. I have also paid attention to this topic, and your modified version has also paid attention to it. Ha ha, I'm too lazy recently, and I haven't changed it

    FROYO L4 Elite 2021.05.22 21:00:01 reply
    • I'd better use a simple template first. Those beautiful templates are bound to consume resources.

      High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.22 21:40:06 reply
  3. What level am I

    Liang Wazi Blog VIP 2021.05.20 13:26:59 reply
  4. What is the use of comment rating? Can I exchange points for gifts?

    Catfish L2 is a little famous 2021.05.19 15:03:10 reply
  5. Per capita blog comment level, I also toss one, haha~

    Leaf cracker Elder SVIP 2021.05.19 11:23:32 reply
  6. Hurry to reply and see what my level is, ah
    It seems that I have seen magnets affect the screen before. I wonder if I don't understand.

    Mr.Chou VIP 2021.05.18 21:02:42 reply
    • I think it will affect, but I haven't seen the related pity science popularization

      High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.18 22:56:10 reply
  7. How can you feel like I lost 10 games in a row when you play the stock market? Your mentality has collapsed, but you still have to play.

    Zou Zhenzhong L3 celebrities 2021.05.18 20:58:51 reply
    • It should be like losing 100000 games in a row
      Your blog doesn't seem to have rss?

      High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.18 22:55:28 reply
      • This kind of mentality is a bit like leeks being slaughtered, which is a little dangerous.
        My cousin borrowed 50000 yuan to buy Bitcoin before, but he lost 3000 yuan later. I persuaded him to say that he could not pay back his money and withdraw the money to buy milk powder for the child. He said that he would feel relieved if he lost his money.
        Well, I didn't do this on my blog. Founder is not very popular, and many of my topics are not very interesting to others.

        Zou Zhenzhong L3 celebrities 2021.05.18 23:48:21 reply
        • Bitcoin will not lose without leverage, at least not so far.
          You can check the RSS. People who are not interested in it will not subscribe and will not affect others.

          High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.19 00:26:53 reply
          • Then there is nothing to say. The leverage is high, and 50000 yuan will disappear in an instant.

            High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.19 16:49:59
          • He just got the lever

            Zou Zhenzhong L3 celebrities 2021.05.19 10:04:57
  8. After several months of profit and loss clearing, alas~

    Leaf cracker Elder SVIP 2021.05.18 18:58:47 reply
  9. I don't want to bother. In addition, I think strong magnetic field will be harmful to mobile phones

    Golden years Elder SVIP 2021.05.18 17:35:55 reply
    • It's not worth tossing about, wasting time and making no money

      High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.18 22:59:02 reply
  10. I am lazy now. Those who can find plug-ins do not want to read the code by themselves. The key is that they do not understand the code.

    Pick up wind VIP 2021.05.18 13:04:30 reply
    • I have always disliked using plug-ins. I think the uneven quality of plug-ins affects the speed

      High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.18 23:00:59 reply
  11. Ha ha, you and Brother Lin are both great gods. You can do whatever you want. I really admire you.

    Old Mai L4 Elite 2021.05.18 10:04:47 reply
    • I am ashamed to say that I am the kind of "god" (someone can change it in 5 minutes, but I will change it in a few hours)

      High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.18 10:10:41 reply
  12. You already have this level? I didn't notice. I saw it when you said that.

    Lao Zhang's Blog Elder SVIP 2021.05.18 09:55:18 reply
    • I noticed that your level is not very obvious. You can also do something about it, ha ha

      High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.18 10:12:10 reply
  13. Thanks for your help. There is still a little problem after overwriting your file. Then, the author of the theme updated

    Uncle Qin L4 Elite 2021.05.17 23:44:38 reply
    • Modified with today's latest file
      After testing, it's OK. You can overwrite it and clear the browser cache and cdn cache.

      High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.18 09:45:54 reply
  14. The highest temperature here yesterday was 12 degrees, and the highest temperature today is 27 degrees. Look at my level

    Qingmeng Garden VIP 2021.05.17 21:34:19 reply
  15. Aiyou, your identity as a blogger is glittering. I quickly helped the bottom of my wine bottle and looked carefully. It's very special, ha ha~~~

    Lin Yufan Elder SVIP 2021.05.17 20:59:23 reply
    • Cheap smile, I start the keyboard is a copy

      High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.18 09:46:49 reply
      • This is OK, very conspicuous.

        Lin Yufan Elder SVIP 2021.05.18 09:56:13 reply
        • When you encounter a good looking and appropriate level icon, replace it.

          High displeasure Blogger 2021.05.18 10:12:40 reply
          • Recently, I want to design a level icon. However, my level is limited and I can only sit around.

            Lin Yufan Elder SVIP 2021.05.18 10:14:35