Ancient sword fantasy online version Introduction: games

2024-06-25 15:15:06 Divine comment

17173 News Introduction

Welcome to the world of the ancient sword fantasy game! This is a role-playing game with Chinese style. With the ancient legend as the background, you will play a warrior in the game, partnering with various ancient swords made from ancient divine tools, and embark on a thrilling and unpredictable adventure. In this exquisite game world, you have to face various mysterious and powerful enemies, explore charming ancient towns and cities, challenge different levels and tasks, and better understand profound martial arts and grand ancient legends.

Welcome to the world of the ancient sword fantasy game! This is a role-playing game with Chinese style. With the ancient legend as the background, you will play a warrior in the game, partnering with various ancient swords made from ancient divine tools, and embark on a thrilling and unpredictable adventure. In this exquisite game world, you have to face various mysterious and powerful enemies, explore charming ancient towns and cities, challenge different levels and tasks, and better understand profound martial arts and grand ancient legends. In this wonderful game, can you become the most powerful warrior, challenge the ancient sword repeatedly and forge ahead? Come and try!


If you successfully defend in the thundering snow cliff, you can get points. But if you lose the defense, you need to deduct 400 points.

Lingjing Guiying is a game, usually called Snake Eating. At the beginning of the game, teammates will say "20, brush each other", which means that after eating 20 points, they will hit a match in the central area and die. After death, they will retain the eaten points but drop their tails. 61 points are required to complete the daily tasks of the game.

As a stone worker, you need to defeat the ultimate BOSS stone man to complete daily tasks. In the process, remember to open the boxes along the way, because there may be useful items such as blood returning props and bombs.

In the kitchen, daily cooking needs to reach the level of 80 points, and requires a certain amount of operation. If a teammate says "80 points", it means that he can stop after 80 points; If it is not said, it needs to be finished by default.

If you want to complete daily tasks and score 888 points in Bubble Hall, you must not blow up your teammates!

Bathing in the Golden Cage is a daily task. You need to defeat the Immortal General to complete it. When completing the task, remember to check the map location to get the key. After you get the key, you can get a lot of rewards through the locked room in the middle of the map.


The shortcut key of treasure sniffing compass (treasure digging) is Ctrl+Y.

The treasure sniffing compass is a compass used for "treasure digging" activities. It is the identity symbol of "naturalist" and can help players find some rare treasures.

By participating in the game, you can obtain various rewards such as high-level equipment, collections, atlases, titles, and museum coins.

You can enable My Service after completing the "Guide Task - Seeking Immortals and Exploring Secrets". If you need, I can provide advice and guidance on finding immortals.

The shortcut key for craftsmen to collect and make is Ctrl+Y.

The craftsman has two functions: heaven and earth bag and making. The Qiankun Bag is used to store and refine the collected materials. The collected materials that enter the Qiankun Bag after refining cannot be traded again. Interact with the manufacturing desk, consume production materials and collect materials, and can make various pills, equipment and items.

There are three main ways to obtain collected materials:

It is purchased from the material store of the living material supplier NPC (Buyunzhou-87. - 83).

Note: In the jade wheel version, there are also shrimp merchants who sell collected materials and trade in Jinghuan Cave after turning into shrimp;

In the wild environment, there are many different materials distributed everywhere. Interact with objects that can be collected in the scene to obtain original stones. In the collectable scene, there are about 30 refresh points, and 15-20 items will be randomly selected every week to refresh.

There is a BUFF called "Bright Heart" in the game, which can be triggered when collecting. When this BUFF is triggered, the map radar in the upper right corner will mark the collected objects of the same family. However, it should be noted that this BUFF can only have one series at the same time. For example, if the gold series BUFF is triggered, the acquisition marks of the other four series cannot be seen. Therefore, this function can be used when clearing and collecting every week to save a lot of time.

In the wild scene, when you kill a monster, you may drop the Holy Material Box. This is a box that can get materials. You can get materials after using it!

2. Formula learning:

In the game, you can buy recipes from NPC. Most of the recipes can be learned from the recipe trainer Que Xingyu in Buyunzhou, whose position is at the coordinate (- 96. - 80). A few recipes may appear in prestigious stores.

It is possible to drop advanced equipment enchantment formula in the secret realm copy.

3. Manufacturing materials:

Whenever a new version is released, a variety of new manufacturing materials are usually introduced, which are used to manufacture new equipment and spells in the new version. These materials often need to be obtained by dropping secret realm copies, and the probability of obtaining them is low. For example, in the current version, crushed Becky is a new manufacturing material.

Since the craftsman talent and equipment of the Jade Wheel Map are not effective, this part is ignored here. Please refer to the WIKI page link for details.

The above is the article "Ancient Sword and Strange Tales Online Cute New Adventures: Games". I hope it can help you. For more information, please pay attention to the 17173 Nine Yin Scripture Zone.

[Editor: 17173]
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