Giulia Alfonsi

Curriculum Vitae



{#street#} , {#city#} , {#code#}


I started studying HTML more in 1998 during high school, and since then I've never stopped learning about the new technologies that arise in the web, keeping myself updated through the use of RSS feeds earlier and Twitter now.

On the Client Side, I've always believed in and tried to reach the perfect division between semantic HTML markup and presentational CSS, trying to balance the clients' requests for a pixel-perfect design with the new techniques brought by modern browsers and with the cardinal idea of a web accessible to all.

On the Server Side, I develop with PHP and MySQL, focusing on reusable code and security matters, with the use of htaccess files as well. My knowledge of LAMP is useful when I have to manage clients' servers or coding issues.

In 2010 I spent most part of the year studying HTML5, CSS3 and the JavaScript libraries (like Modernizr and Selectivizr) that allow the compatibility of these languages with older browsers. I've been so enthusiastic about these issues that through my own initiative I translated HTML5 Boilerplate in Italian.

Nowadays my interest is towards the new techniques and technologies that are involved in the web development for mobile devices.



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    Epic Brighton, UK

    I develop DHTML interfaces for e-learning applications, supporting a wide range of browsers (from Internet Explorer 6 to the latest modern ones), operating systems and devices (desktop, smartphones, tablets).

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    User Interface Developer

    Pure360 Brighton, UK

    I perform all aspects of product and custom software UI development with future-proofing, reusability of code and platform compatibility (from the latest browsers down to Internet Explorer 7, with an eye for the mobile support).

    I provide knowledge and suggestion in relation to UI architecture, design, best practice and latest UI development techniques and methodologies.

  3. Volunteer

    Update Conference - The human touch: iOS & beyond Brighton, UK

    Update was a new mobile conference taking place in Brighton Dome and Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, as part of the Brighton Digital Festival. I was one of the team of friendly volunteers welcoming some of the top names in iOS, web, and user experience to the city, registering attendees, and generally helping everything to run smoothly.

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    Freelance Web Developer


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    Web Developer


    I created XHTML/CSS/JavaScript templates from PSD files, using SEO friendly markup and crossbrowser techniques to achieve pixel-perfect designs, from newest browsers to IE old versions, according to the clients' needs. I worked side by side with the graphic designers, combining their ideas with my technical knowledge and experience in the web field.

    Using PHP and MySQL, I developed cms to facilitate the management of websites for small and big companies, with an eye on the user interface, adapting it for less technically experienced users.

    I was involved in the planning and development of web-based accounting software, which was custom-made according to our client's needs and daily feedbacks.
    For the development of this software I mostly used object-oriented PHP, AJAX, RTF (for the creation of documents) and I successfully installed a LAMP server in the company offices. This project also offered me the opportunity to improve my knowledge of jQuery, which was an important part in the creation of a clear, easy-to-use and fast user interface, enabling the filling of hundreds of daily forms.

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    IT support and sales advisor

    Centro Computer Parma

    I assembled and sold computers and gave software, hardware and on-site advice and assistance. I developed websites and accounting software using ASP and Access.


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    Università degli Studi di Parma

    Information Technology

  2. University of Cambridge

    Key English Test (KET): Pass with Merit

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    Istituto Tecnico Statale Per Geometri Camillo Rondani

    High school


Spoken languages:
Italian (native)
English (full professional proficiency)