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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
I've been working for a long time on many projects. From making websites, apps and video games to making videos designing or managing teams. Right now I spend most of my time making educational content on YouTube, and here 🙃
AI-Dock is an effort to make AI & Machine learning tools accessible to all through simple, easy to configure containers.
Medito Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to improving mental wellbeing and helping people cope better with depression, stress, anxiety, and any other negative states of mind
Chartbrew is an open-source platform that can connect directly to databases and APIs and use the data to create beautiful charts. It features a chart builder, editable dashboards, embeddable charts, query & requests editor, and team capabilities.
Back our project and support our work of collecting, organizing, and delivering data to molecular biologists and aging researchers
I create useful websites and guides, mainly to the benefit of the Czech and Slovak communities of juniors in tech and Python users.
I am the developer of two unofficial niconico tools, nicosapo and nicotap.
Hi there! Support me on my journey to make the best open-source software for creating awesome Dashboards on E-Paper displays! 🎉
Author of Gauche Scheme scripting engine. Lisper, Schemer, and an Actor, worked on commercial CGI films and video games, OODB and semantic graph database engine, various theatres and films.
I work on many open source projects. The most popular are: rustc_codegen_gcc: GCC codegen for the Rust compiler Relm: Idiomatic, GTK+-based, GUI library, inspired by Elm TQL: A compile-time ORM Titanium: A keyboard-driven web browser
I am Aldwin, a functional programming and JavaScript enthusiast who enjoys contributing to projects that combine these things.
A monthly meeting of iOS and Mac developers in the Netherlands and part of the international
Emacs ➡ Open Source Open Innovation. By solving how to connect supply & demand for advanced capabilities in Emacs, we aim to create an engine for accelerating technology while also rooting it firmly in service to benefiting our lives.
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