
    Meditation Major Internal Skill Apple Watch Series 2 Evaluation

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Zhou Bolin
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    In the long course of human history, time is often equated with clocks and watches, and whether it is a clock, pocket watch, or the most commonly used watch nowadays, it is usually round. This appearance is deeply rooted in people's minds. until Intelligent Watch The appearance of the "," has changed people's consistent attitude towards the appearance of the inherent watch, and the biggest improvement for people is Apple's Apple Watch Has.

     Meditation Major Internal Skill Apple Watch Series 2 Evaluation

    Two years later, Apple released the second generation smart watch Apple Watch Series 2 , and launched on the shelves of offline stores of Apple together with iPhone 7 on September 16. This time, Zhongguancun Online Geek Cool Play Channel also arrived at the Apple store at the first time and purchased an Apple Watch Series2 Due to limited inventory, the Apple Watch Edition of Nike Sport Edition and ceramic watch case did not arrive, so we purchased a 38mm deep space gray sports edition, and brought first-hand reviews of this watch to readers at the first time.

    Many people may wonder, with the rapid development of technology, whether today's wearable products can replace traditional watches? The author believes that the idea of complete substitution may vary from person to person, but in terms of the richness of use functions, the interconnection and monitoring properties of smart watches are undoubtedly beyond the reach of traditional watches.

     Meditation Major Internal Skill Apple Watch Series 2 Evaluation
    Apple occupies half of the smart wear market

    In the case that the generation of Apple watches are generally not favored by consumers, Apple Watch still gets nearly half of the attention of the smart wear market, making Apple a flagship leader in the smart wear field. Especially for Apple Watch Series 2 With numerous upgrades, the development direction of this watch and even the whole intelligent wear field will change accordingly.

    But it is obvious that Apple's vision is far beyond the field of smart wear, the Geek crowd. At this Apple new product launch, Apple made the first disclosure to the outside world that the sales revenue of the first generation Apple Watch products in 2015 was second only to the famous Swiss watch brand Rolex, ranking second in the watch industry.

     Meditation Major Internal Skill Apple Watch Series 2 Evaluation
    Apple has become the second largest watch brand in the world

    How can this technology product, the second largest in the world watch and the first in the smart watch, improve the experience? Let's take a detailed taste of this new representative of Apple.

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Meditation Major Internal Skill Apple Watch Series 2 Evaluation // true // report one thousand six hundred and seventy-four In the long course of human history, time is often equated with clocks and watches, and whether it is a clock, pocket watch, or the most commonly used watch nowadays, it is usually round. This appearance is deeply rooted in people's minds. It was not until the emergence of smart watches that people's consistent attitude towards the appearance of watches was changed, and the biggest improvement for people was Apple
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