
    Without the wind fire wheel? Proper posture for morning peak travel

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Zhou Bolin
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    Recently, Shanghai and Beijing have successively issued new regulations prohibiting "electric balance cars" and "electric skateboards" from going on the road, which immediately aroused the attention of the public and netizens on the safety of such vehicles as electric balance cars. In fact, as the most popular means of transportation and a new way of leisure and entertainment, the green and environmental advantages of electric balance cars are also accepted by more young people. In fact, recently, the author almost wanted to get a balanced car to experience it, but when he saw the above news, he stopped. So, without the morning peak of the "Wind and Fire Wheel", which correct posture should we change when we travel?

     The Wind Fire Wheel Without Feet: The Right Way to Travel in the Morning Peak
    The Wind Fire Wheel Without Feet: The Right Way to Travel in the Morning Peak

    ● Potential safety hazard: frequent falling accidents

    It is understood that many cities, such as Beijing, have called a halt to the measures to ban the use of transport tools, such as multi wheeled vehicles and electric balance vehicles, mainly due to safety concerns. So since it's about safety, let's take a look at where the safety problems of electric balance cars are likely to occur!

     The Wind Fire Wheel Without Feet: The Right Way to Travel in the Morning Peak
    In the broadcast picture of the event circulated on the Internet, the staff accidentally shoveled the athletes down with a balance car (photo source: cnool)

     The Wind Fire Wheel Without Feet: The Right Way to Travel in the Morning Peak
    Potential safety hazard: frequent falling accidents
    (Source: znphc)

    The so-called electric balance car, also known as body sensing car, thinking car, camera car, etc., is a fashionable way of modern environmental protection and green travel. It uses the "Dynamic Stabilization" system as the operating principle and the gyroscope and acceleration sensor inside the car body to maintain the balance of the system.

     The Wind Fire Wheel Without Feet: The Right Way to Travel in the Morning Peak
    Operating principle of electric balance car (source: Baidu)

    So such a tool with a maximum speed of 15-20 kilometers per hour, no steering wheel, no accelerator and brake, and is controlled completely according to the rider's body inclination. If you do not control it well, the consequences will be really unimaginable. In recent years, accidents such as the fall of the electric balance car and the explosion and fire caused by the electric balance car have frequently occurred in the online media. Therefore, the timely issuance of relevant policies also provides a basic guarantee for the safety of the industry.  

    ● Counterfeiting: quality problems Frequent explosion and fire

    Why do self balancing vehicles have so many potential safety hazards? Please don't forget that as a big manufacturing country, domestic copycat manufacturers can't be underestimated, and may also account for the main reason. Although the balance car itself has no fire risk, if the low-quality counterfeit products produced by domestic factories are flooded with the market, then the results can be imagined.     

     The Wind Fire Wheel Without Feet: The Right Way to Travel in the Morning Peak
    There is a netizen's balance car explosion and fire accident abroad (source: wangyi)

    Therefore, this kind of explosion and fire accident is not the first time. In view of this situation, Amazon has removed some models of balance cars with fire danger earlier, and Australia has issued a safety warning before, and considered whether it is necessary to issue regulations to regulate them.

     The Wind Fire Wheel Without Feet: The Right Way to Travel in the Morning Peak
    Online sale of various electric balance cars

    According to relevant data, there are more than 11000 such Chinese manufacturers, and the number of products manufactured has exceeded 1 million, which shows that this is a huge market. Because of this, we have to pay attention to when the image of "Made in China" can be improved?

    New regulations issued: new posture is required for morning peak travel

    Nowadays, with the strengthening of people's awareness of environmental protection, the number of electric vehicles is increasing day by day. According to data, about 500000 electric balance cars were sold in 2013 in China. The market is growing fast, with prices ranging from several thousand yuan to nearly 100000 yuan. It is a fairly large market, mainly for personal consumption, with young people accounting for the majority, and some for commercial services.

     The Wind Fire Wheel Without Feet: The Right Way to Travel in the Morning Peak
    Electric balance car has become a fashionable green travel tool (Source: znphc)

    In fact, as early as last year, the United States introduced similar regulations. Compared with dozens of yuan in Shanghai and Beijing, the penalty of $500 for violations in New York is more stringent. Although this measure is really for the sake of safety, it is believed that for many students and white-collar workers, they want to avoid the rhythm of getting up early in the morning rush hour. If they do not have a balance car and other transportation tools, they really need to consider other ways to travel.

     The Wind Fire Wheel Without Feet: The Right Way to Travel in the Morning Peak
    The prospect of the new generation of intelligent bicycles is very promising (source: marmotbike)

    Now, in the first tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, once the "electric balance car" is banned, and once again feel the crowded subway and bus during the rush hour, think about everyone who can't rely on the electric balance car to take the place of walking, then maybe in the future, they can only ride folding bicycles home. It seems that the prospect of the new generation of smart bicycles is very promising!

    ● General      

    As a new generation of street trendy weapon, green and environmentally friendly electric balance cars are indeed the ideal choice for white-collar workers. But considering the diversity of market products, uneven quality, and safety concerns, the introduction of new policies may really bring positive impact on the development of balance car market norms. In short, let's look forward to it!  

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    Meditation Major Internal Skill Apple Watch Series 2 Evaluation true // report three thousand one hundred and thirty-seven Recently, Shanghai and Beijing have successively issued new regulations prohibiting "electric balance cars" and "electric skateboards" from going on the road, which immediately aroused the attention of the public and netizens on the safety of such vehicles as electric balance cars. In fact, as the most popular means of transportation and a new way of leisure and entertainment, the green and environmental advantages of electric balance cars are also accepted by more young people. But in fact, in the most
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