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Construction Technology of Landscape and Landscaping of Park Landscape Engineering
Source: Jianshe Website Date: [August 30, 2018]
     1 Introduction

Landscaping plays an important role in modern people's urban life. It brings a natural green flavor to the compact urban life, allowing people to relax in the tense urban life for a short time. In addition, landscaping also provides a place for urban birds to rest and reproduce. Garden vegetation also plays a role in purifying the urban air Reduce wind dust and other effects. The role of landscaping is very big, but there are many problems in the actual process of landscaping construction. These problems directly lead to the unqualified quality of landscaping, making the role of the garden can not be fully realized, which is also the most important problem facing the current landscaping in China.

     2 Analysis of the characteristics of the overall landscaping project

2.1 Landscape engineering has certain comprehensiveness

The city needs to take a comprehensive consideration when building landscape gardens. This consideration involves ecology, aesthetics, design, architecture, etc. Only by combining these elements can a qualified landscape be built. In this context, the construction of landscape garden has brought great problems, that is, the quality of landscape garden is difficult to guarantee, which requires that all aspects of the impact factors should be fully taken into account when designing landscape garden. In addition to the impact of the above factors, in the specific construction process, terrain, hydrology The influence of surrounding buildings and other factors.

2.2 The construction of landscape garden is easy to cause deviation of project cost

The raw materials needed for building landscape gardens are very different, and there are many reasons for this price difference. For example, the raw materials needed for different styles of landscape gardens are different, and the difference of raw materials results in the deviation of project cost; A common reason is that landscape gardens are located in different cities and regions, and some landscape gardens are located in regions where raw materials are produced, so the price of raw materials will be different from the price of raw materials in other cities, resulting in deviation in project cost.

2.3 The later maintenance cost of landscape garden is high

In addition to spending a lot of money on the construction of the landscape garden, its later maintenance and management needs a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources. The landscape garden is a long-term landscape after completion, so it will inevitably need to water, fertilize, prune the vegetation, and treat the vegetation with diseases and pests, which will increase the cost of the landscape garden.

     3 Analysis of key design points of park landscape architecture

3.1 Analysis of key design points in management

(1) Management of landscape architecture projects. The overall construction project of landscape garden is a huge and miscellaneous project. If you want to ensure the quality of the project, you must work hard on management. From the design stage to the specific construction process, there must be a strict management system.

(2) Selection of plants in landscape architecture. In terms of plant selection, not all landscape gardens choose the same vegetation. In terms of selection, many factors such as local address, hydrological conditions, climate conditions, etc. should be combined. Only selecting suitable plants can ensure the maximum survival rate of plants.

(3) Reasonable plant planting and matching. After determining which plants to plant, it is also necessary to carry out reasonable planting sequence matching, so as to form the best growth environment and better enhance the ornamental effect, as shown in Figure 1.

3.2 Analysis of key design points in cost

In the process of landscape architecture construction in China, the cost is often too high, which is caused by the lack of cost management of landscape architecture in addition to the uncertainty of raw material prices mentioned above. The project budget is the most effective means to control costs. When making the project budget, it must be detailed and specific to each link. Every investment of funds must be strictly managed and its direction must be accurately understood. In the cost control, more attention should be paid to the control of machinery costs, labor costs and material costs. In the control of material costs, market research should be done after determining which materials to use, and better quality and cheaper ones should be selected at the same price; In the control of labor costs, specific division and distribution systems should be formulated to save human resources as much as possible and eliminate unnecessary processes. Only by strictly controlling the cost can the project be completed within the project cost budget and within the budget.

3.3 Analysis of key technical design points

Advanced construction technology is also very important in the construction process of landscape gardens. Advanced technology can not only build buildings that are more in line with modern aesthetic standards, but also ensure the construction time and quality of buildings. However, it is worth noting that in the process of introducing new technologies, it is necessary to ensure that the introduced new technologies are suitable for the architectural style of landscape gardens, and at the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen quality supervision. The use of new technologies requires the formulation of corresponding quality inspection standards, and it is necessary to ensure that the quality requirements of gardens are fully met. In order to give full play to the role of construction technology to the greatest extent, it is also necessary to have good design as a guarantee. During the design period, various factors of the garden construction site should be combined, and the designed drawings should conform to the local plant production environment, cultural environment, natural environment, etc.

     4. Discussion on specific construction technology of landscape garden

4.1 Top soil backfilling

① The surface soil shall be excavated in normal weather to ensure the soil is dry. ② When excavating the specific topsoil, the forklift shall always operate in the same direction, so as to protect the soil aggregate structure to the greatest extent. ③ When planting vegetation, the foundation and topsoil should be planted together, so that the two can be better integrated to prevent the occurrence of a stagnant layer. ④ The landscape garden also has certain requirements for the depth of the surface soil, which should be carried out in full accordance with the design of the drawings, pay attention to a certain drainage slope, and pay attention to a certain height distance between the road rock and the soil beside it, which is generally kept at about 5cm. ⑤ The height of topsoil backfilling should be closely linked with the vegetation planted. For example, there are certain differences when planting grass, shrubs and trees. The backfill of shrubs and trees should be higher, which not only can better connect with the grass, but also is conducive to drainage. ⑥ It is essential for landscape architecture to produce some construction waste left in the soil, and it must be cleaned up when planting vegetation in the later stage. If it is not cleaned up, it will hinder the growth of vegetation, and is not conducive to the later cleaning work.

4.2 Precautions for fixed-point setting out

① In actual operation, the fixed-point setting out shall be carried out in strict accordance with the drawings. A common method in the work is to use the square grid method. The fixed-point method is more accurate. After the fixed-point setting out is completed, repeated confirmation and inspection shall be carried out to ensure that the fixed-point setting out is correct before the subsequent work. ② The method of regular planting shall be adopted for the fixed point setting out of big trees to ensure the tidiness of tree rows. The center of big trees shall be fixed, and white ash shall be used as the mark of fixed point; For the fixed point of isolated plants in the garden, the central position of planting should be first determined with stakes, and the notes of trees to be planted, specifications and other information should be made on the stakes; When the trees on both sides of the road are fixed, they can refer to the direction of the roadside line, so that they can be accurate. ③ Gray line is a special mark in fixed point setting out, which is mainly used for marking color blocks, color bands, hedges, etc. ④ The trees planted naturally in the garden should also adopt certain methods, mainly using the curve with radian in the process of fixed point setting out, so that the trees planted will look very natural. ⑤ When changing the vegetation in the garden, it is necessary to make changes in combination with the specific actual situation and formulate specific modification plans, which cannot be changed at will to avoid damage to the overall landscape of the garden. ⑥ During the planting construction of garden vegetation, there is often a deviation between the drawings and the actual situation, such as the tree planting points in the drawings are not consistent with the actual situation. In this case, the designer must go to the site to guide the design. 4.3 Precautions for planting garden plants

(1) Excavation of planting pits. When excavating planting pits, it should be noted that not all vegetation pits are the same size, and the depth and size of pits should be determined according to the specific vegetation species and size to be planted. In the specific operation process, it is also necessary to ensure that the fixed point setting out mark made previously is in the middle of the pit, so that the vegetation planted can be consistent with the designed line.

(2) Pruning of planted vegetation. The trimming of the vegetation to be planted can maintain the internal moisture of the vegetation and increase the survival rate of the vegetation. However, the specific trimming methods of different vegetation are different, and can not be unified. The trimming of evergreen broad-leaved forests should cut off the leaves, dense branches, dead and diseased branches, and damaged branches, while the trimming of trees is relatively simple, Just cut off half of the crown. The pruning of evergreen coniferous forest does not need to consider other conditions of its vegetation, as long as the injured branches and dead leaves are pruned; The pruning of shrubs and flowering shrubs should be mainly distinguished. The main difference is that flowering shrubs should not be too dense and should be thinned. The other is to prune withered and diseased branches and injured branches as well.

(3) Planting of garden vegetation. Vegetation shall be planted in strict accordance with the design drawing, and the planting sequence of vegetation shall be in accordance with the planting sequence of trees, shrubs and turf. ① The planting of trees should ensure their verticality, that is, two people should cooperate to complete the planting. One person should ensure that the trees remain upright, and the other person should complete the filling work. When filling, the best filling height should be 2cm above the ground. ② The most important thing for bush planting is that a lot of water must be kept in the pit. At the same time, it is also important to ensure that the root soil is moist when the bush shoots, which is conducive to improving the survival rate. ③ For lawn planting, attention should be paid to the cleaning of residual garbage on the surface during construction. If the garbage is not cleaned, it will not only affect the combination of grass and the surface, but also bring trouble to the future maintenance work.

(4) Maintenance of garden vegetation. The construction of landscape architecture is only half of the work for the value of landscape architecture, and more important than construction is the maintenance of landscape architecture. In the later maintenance work, pay attention to the timely inspection of the supports used to fix the newly planted trees to ensure that they are not bent or deformed, and the trees with pests and diseases should be treated in time.

    5 Conclusion

The greening work of the garden is very important for the garden, but in the actual greening work, we must also pay attention to some maintenance technical problems. Only in this way can we ensure that the greening work meets the quality requirements and better play the role of the garden landscape.
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