Third media Game Center Game News New News → Mortal Xiuzhen 2: Violent debut of Mortal Xiuzhen 2: The new version of hero statue legend was born TTL

Mortal Xiuzhen 2: Violent Appearance of Mortal Xiuzhen 2: The Legend of the New Version of Hero Statue Is Born

Author: Third Media Source:     Date: 2012-07-18

   Brothers play the new version of "Mortal Cultivation 2" to welcome the most powerful update, adding the content of the statue of the world's best fighting hero, giving real warriors a chance to become famous!

Heroes should be eulogized and recited by the world! After countless bloody battles, you finally ascended the hall of honor and became king. Do you want to spread your heroism forever? Brothers play《 Mortal Cultivation 2 》The new version ushers in the most powerful update, adding the content of the statue of the world's best fighting hero, giving real warriors a chance to become famous!

 Mortal Xiuzhen 2: Violent Appearance of Mortal Xiuzhen 2: The Legend of the New Version of Hero Statue Is Born

Figure 1

New version of 9 updates to create the most popular immortal world! In addition to the Hero Statue, the equipment is strengthened at level 11 and the fifth hole is open. Your divine costume has a chance to be reprocessed. Is the god of war about to emerge? Immortal legends will be staged. At the same time, the new activity will also be fresh. You can collect the double characteristic gems of the Tianjiang Divine Stone activity, and add four levels of Du Men, Jing Men, Jing Men, and Death Men to open the new and strange Eight Trigrams dungeon. After challenging the dungeon, you can increase the dungeon turntable rewards. The new version is different game Come and join us.

 Mortal Xiuzhen 2: Violent Appearance of Mortal Xiuzhen 2: The Legend of the New Version of Hero Statue Is Born

Figure 2

The highest level competition -- The World's Best Fighting Competition All kinds of experts from different servers gathered at the Fairy Altar to fight for the world's first crown! This is the choice between life and death, this is the inheritance of glory, and this is the defense of honor! Among the three realms, there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and Taiji City embraces all the immortals in the world. Who can finally conquer Jiuxiao and respect the Eight Wastes? Only a large number of contestants can have a lively competition. Players who are attracted to watch the game can also give their support to the contestants with applause, flowers and other encouragement. They can also bet on their favorite winners to win huge bonuses!

 Mortal Xiuzhen 2: Violent Appearance of Mortal Xiuzhen 2: The Legend of the New Version of Hero Statue Is Born

Figure 3

Brothers play《 Mortal Cultivation 2 》(frxz2. xdwan. com) The perfect world of cultivating immortals is opening! The battle of the highest level PK here is legendary. Who can make his statue immortal when many experts gather here? More exciting game Content, more popular and unprecedented PK, waiting for you to experience!

More Mortal Cultivation 2

Brothers play Mortal Cultivation 2 It is a 2D real-time MMORPG with the theme of cultivating immortals Webpage game game In addition to a variety of sects, professions and characteristic skills for players to choose from, there are also different battle modes for you to experience, such as wonderful replicas, national wars, and guild wars. More detailed introductions of occupation and playing methods, Mortal Cultivation 2 The official website takes you into the dreamy world of cultivating immortals!

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