Third media Game Center Game News New News → Treasure Seizing and Inheritance: Soul Bone Inscription: Sheng Xia's new version of Treasure Seizing and Inheritance will be released soon TTL

Stealing the treasure and passing it on: the soul bone inscriptions "Stealing the treasure and passing it on" Sheng Xia's new version will be released soon

Author: Third Media Source:     Date: 2012-07-17

   In the hot season in July, the online game "Legend of Treasure Seizing" is the first choice for treasure hunters. It will soon release a refreshing version of "Soul Bone Inscription".

In the hot season of July, online games are the first choice for treasure hunters《 Treasure snatching handed down from generation to generation 》A refreshing version of "Soul Bone Inscription" will be released soon. The new version will be launched on the mountainside of the frozen temple. Players can increase their abilities with the help of the new "Soul Bone System" and "Soul Hunting System", and also experience the unprecedented defense skill "Holy Shield". All these wonderful changes will bring players an unforgettable game Journey!

 Stealing the treasure and passing it on: the soul bone inscriptions "Stealing the treasure and passing it on" Sheng Xia's new version will be released soon

Figure 1

When the Zhongzhou warriors crossed the vibrant Temple Valley and gradually cold Temple foothills, and explored the snow covered temple mountainside, they found the more powerful snow leopard guards in the Temple Guard. They were all heavy hammers with heavy armour and trained bears for riding, which can be said to be heavily guarded.
After the warriors experienced a difficult battle and successfully challenged the Snow Leopard Guard, the Snow Leopard Guard surrendered to the warriors and provided them with information about the legendary "soul bone" and the method of "soul bone inscription".

The endless Temple Mountain has left innumerable soul essence of ancient demons and gods on the ancient battlefield. If you engrave it in your own body, you can gain powerful power of the ancient temple. At the same time, Snow Leopard Guard also taught the Zhongzhou warriors the method of soul bone fusion. Two or more soul bones can be fused into one to further enhance their power after being melted by the supreme elder of Snow Leopard Guard, Beidou Old Man's pure Samadhi fire.

In July, the new version of "Soul Bone Inscription" will be officially released. Under the millennium ice and snow on the temple mountainside, a new flame is about to burn. Let's look forward to the new version game Feast!


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Introduction to the game of looting
Introduction to the online game of Seizing the Treasure:
    Development site: Mainland China
Game screen: 2D
Game category: role playing
Game theme: chivalry
Operation mode: free
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