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Mortal Cultivation 2: Yulong Xiaotian's "Mortal Cultivation 2" page tour, new version of beacon smoke

Author: Third Media Source:     Date: 2012-07-16

   37wan's fantasy immortal cultivation game masterpiece, Mortal Cultivation 2, meets with you in this strange world of immortal cultivation, and together we will enjoy the colorful game interface, powerful equipment system, rewarding game activities, escort, copy, passionate 10000 people national war and other systems to perfectly present the ancient Chinese immortal cultivation culture.

37wan Mysterious Immortal Cultivation game A masterpiece《 Mortal Cultivation 2 》Meet with you to enjoy the colorful game The interface, powerful equipment system, rewarding game activities, escorts, replicas, passionate 10000 people national war and other systems perfectly present the ancient Chinese culture of cultivating immortals.

   37wan《 Mortal Cultivation 2 》In July, the new version of [Dragon Roaring Sky] will be released soon, and the five powerful contents will be exposed first!

 Mortal Cultivation 2: Yulong Xiaotian's "Mortal Cultivation 2" page tour, new version of beacon smoke

Figure 1 37wan Mortal Cultivation 2 New version preview

Righteous heroes: a powerful trio, setting off an economic whirlwind

The evil disaster is approaching. Although the war has not spread to the whole three realms, the war has become like a butterfly about to break its cocoon, as if it will break the silence at any time. Therefore, the leader of the fairyland plans to recruit a group of outstanding talents to lead the three realms of the fairyland to defend against the invasion of the devil.

Crisis is also an opportunity, and heroes emerge in troubled times!

Invite your relatives and friends to participate in the fairyland competition trials, you will have the opportunity to win ancient treasures, and your name will be recorded in the new history, and you will be honored by thousands of people.

 Mortal Cultivation 2: Yulong Xiaotian's "Mortal Cultivation 2" page tour, new version of beacon smoke

Figure 2 37wan Mortal Cultivation 2

The beacon fire rises again: dispel the monster, protect the family and defend the alliance

After a period of cultivation, the Demons of the World of Warcraft want to make a comeback, and constantly send a small number of Warcraft to harass the frontier fairy league territory and seize strategic resources.

Although the wise and powerful leader of the alliance arranged the five elements and eight trigrams array in advance to resist, it was still insufficient due to the restriction of heaven and earth's aura. The array will weaken every once in a while. At this time, the allies need to fight against the enemy together. As long as we keep the Xianmeng home, we will break the fantasy of attack of Warcraft, thus ensuring the peace of the fairyland!

 Mortal Cultivation 2: Yulong Xiaotian's "Mortal Cultivation 2" page tour, new version of beacon smoke

Figure 3 Renewed fierce disputes

Fantastic Fairy Destiny: Walk for Love, If You Are the One, Do Not Disturb

As the saying goes, a hundred years of cultivation can lead to the same degree This is true of mortals, and even more so of immortals. The long road to cultivate immortals, walking hand in hand with immortals, is not only warm and romantic, but also twice the result with half the effort!

However, fate is hard to find, so let's first come to Xianyuan for a mission! Only by increasing the degree of intimacy, can we love endlessly, romantically and cultivate both.

 Mortal Cultivation 2: Yulong Xiaotian's "Mortal Cultivation 2" page tour, new version of beacon smoke

Figure 4 Wishing to Be a Double Winged Bird in the Sky

Strange gossip: new play method, more interesting

Strange door changes, gossip circulation, copy has been updated, different experience, different height, new records you decide!

 Mortal Cultivation 2: Yulong Xiaotian's "Mortal Cultivation 2" page tour, new version of beacon smoke

Figure 5 New copy waiting for you to play

Ruifulian: 0 yuan for shopping, great discount

Passionate July, play《 Mortal Cultivation 2 》, there are not only super value preferential shopping activities, but also rich event props rewards. In addition, there is also a lively competition. Are you ready?

More《 Mortal Cultivation 2 game For details, please log on to 37wan's official website:

More fun Webpage game On the 37wan platform:


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