Radiation 76 senior members are targeted for hunting in the game

2019-10-30 13:51:47 Source: Sina Games

Recently, Society B officially launched Fallout 1st, a senior member of Radiation 76, which is a paid member service that can meet the ardent request of players since the game was launched: to have a private world dedicated to themselves and a few friends.

However, this service for senior members has led to unexpected situations. Now, in the adventure mode of Radiation 76, non member players have begun to hunt senior member players. It must be something that Club B never thought of before!

The senior member players of Radiation 76 were finally overwhelmed. Someone issued a new initiative: calling on member players to unite and establish a closed game community.

If this player's proposal is realized, it is really a real "shelter" built in Radiation 76.

At present, the official of News Agency B has not made a statement on this matter, and how this farce will end is still unknown.

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