KaiR0N -- We want to destroy the dreams of those who want to win the game

2024-05-15 10:54 Author: 5eplay Source: 5eplay

BB's journey to the new version of CS began with the excellent performance of IEM Sydney last year. They defeated Vitality and GamerLegion to enter the knockout stage. However, their performance has plummeted since then, forcing the team to adjust its personnel. Not long ago, this Russian team chose to replace Daniel Roslyakov | danistzz with Kirill Rodnov | Magnojez, and also signed Artem Gradovich | RAILWAY as the coach. After losing the opening match against MOUZ, Russian rifle player KaiR0N - gave an interview to HLTV, talking about their choice of Dust2, BB's recent signing and their expectations for BB Villa Cup.

   Q: It's a pity that you lost the first game, but you forced MOUZ very hard. Do you have any positive results in this game?

A: I'm not sure, because Dust2 is a map that has just returned to the match map pool, MOUZ may not have played this map, or may only have played it once or twice, because they must finish playing the EPL S19 first, and there is Overpass in the match map pool, so they cannot practice Dust2 well. The only thing we can do is to see the demo to find out where our mistakes are. I think we have advantages on both maps, but we let the victory slip away because of our mistakes. We had many advantages at the end of the game, but we lost some 3v4 and 2v5 games. The only positive thing about this game is our performance in Vertigo's attackers. This is quite good. We need to take a look at the demo to ensure that we can do better.

   Q: Did you decide to choose Dust2 because you know that MOUZ has no time to practice, or because you like to play this map?

A: I'm not sure. I know Aleksandr Zagodyrenko | zorte likes to play with this map very much. This is the main game map when he was in FORZE, so it's very good for him. In this game, we are definitely not the one who is favored, because our opponent has just won an S-level contest, so we understand that we must choose Dust2 to frighten them. Although not successful, but also very close. We have two reasons to choose Dust2. The first is that our team members felt good when playing Dust2 that year. The second is that we need to frighten MOUZ because we are not optimistic.

   Q: You have done a lot of exercises on this map recently, or is it more like a surprise for MOUZ?

A: We haven't done a lot of exercises, of course we have, but we still have to practice other maps. We were participating in the EPL at that time, so we couldn't do much preparation because we still need to worry about the Overpass picture. We have a lot of things to do later, so we don't have much time. After various transactions, we also made some preparations on the map. We chose the best one of the three maps, and then tried to resume. After that, we practiced on Dust2. So yes, we have prepared this map. But I won't say that this is the best map we play. We still need experience, because I haven't played this map in competitive competitions, at least the level is not high. Magnojez did not play this map at all in the competition. So we still need time and practice. We spent some time on Dust2, but failed.

   Q: What changes have Magnojez and new coach RAILWAY brought to the team?

A: First of all, the coach has brought a lot of positive atmosphere. Secondly, he has built a reasonable system for us. In the past, we had to solve all problems by ourselves, and we expected that our personal abilities could be brought into play on each map. For example, Vertigo is the worst map we played, and we lost to any team that chose this map to fight against us, as in RMR. Now the situation is better, because the coach has brought us some systems. Magnojez has increased his firepower, and his suggestions sometimes help us, because he can see the situation of the whole game from where he plays, so he sometimes gives the correct instructions. It's very good for us to join them. We think we can become better with them.

   Q: What are your expectations for the match after the BB Villa Cup?

A: We came here without any expectation because we were not really ready. We received the invitation only two days ago. We were really happy, but we were not ready. Before the EPL, we have made sufficient preparations. We are studying maps that we are not good at. During the EPL, we played some beautiful rounds on the map we are good at. For example, we performed well on Mirage. When we won the M80, their Mirage played well. As for BB Villa Cup, we haven't made any preparations. We just want to destroy the dreams of those who really want to win the game. I see that many teams want to win the game very much. Their goal is not to enter the knockout phase, but to win the whole game, and we want to destroy their dreams.

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