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 Sword Net 3 Badao Mountain Villa

After decades of desolation in the world, how could you ever open your eyes to Haoying.

The whale swallows the sea where the knife rises, vowing to honor the floating name.

Career Introduction Xiuming's body posture has a strong melee group attack ability. The pine smoke and bamboo fog posture can effectively protect itself while making melee counterattacks. The snow and gold screen posture can cause a large number of long-range individual damage.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method North Ao Jue
arms Aoshuang Blade

Advantages: The ability to damage a single unit in long range and group attack in close combat is strong, with certain group control, and the tactical purpose can be achieved by using the knife air wall.

Disadvantages: The operation is complicated, and the posture needs to be changed repeatedly in the battle. The ability to defend and reduce damage is poor, and the pursuit ability is average.

 Sword Net 3 Long Song Gate

Confucians are determined to restrain the wind and rain, and the lost Lushan River is scattered like stars.

Scholars dream of chivalrous men through the ages. They are willing to write blue blood on the surface.

Career Introduction Taking the zither and sword as the foundation of martial arts, the combination of zither skills and sword techniques can not only rely on outstanding control ability and mobility output, but also provide powerful assistance to the team through excellent treatment ability and adaptability.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Don't ask Acquaintance
arms Qin

Advantages: The auxiliary ability is extremely strong, ranking first among all major sects. At the same time, it has excellent control ability, and can calmly respond to various emergencies.

Disadvantages: The switching of tracks needs to accumulate music styles, and the effect of active tracks cannot be changed at will.

 Sword Net Three Cang Clouds

The snow covered Hu Pass destroyed the cold grass, and the wind blew up the smoke of wolves in the desert.

How can you fight with a hundred deaths on the blade? The white horse chapter is written with blue blood.

Career Introduction Cangyun's martial arts do not consume internal power. It is particularly important to control the posture of the shield flying and the front and back of the shield wall, as well as master their own anger and block value. The unique move charging mechanism can make them more powerful in a short time. The integration of attack and defense enables them to be competent in any position in group warfare.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Dividing mountain strength Iron bone garment
arms Knife shield

Advantage: Extremely strong defense: high survivability, good at weapon fights of various scales.

Disadvantages: poor mobility of shield wall attitude.

 Sword Net 3 Hidden Sword

The sword is hidden in the beautiful water and Lingshan Mountain, and you can forge a green front in the Jianghu.

The carefree spirit is like a gentleman. A pot of warm wine flows into the sky.

Career Introduction The concealed sword disciples are equipped with light and heavy swords. They can quickly switch between different sword mental skills. The martial art of concealed sword does not consume internal power and has no worries about endurance, so he often has specific responsibilities in the secret realm. His explosive group attack ability is the first of all sects. At the same time, he also has strong chasing, escaping and control free abilities.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Mountain Dwelling Sword Asking for water formula
arms Light Heavy Sword

Advantages: unlimited endurance of sword qi, dynamic and static combination of two weapons, light and heavy complement each other.

Disadvantages: You need to accumulate some sword qi to burst.

 Sword Net 3 Shaolin

The bell of Purple Bamboo Temple in the ancient temple rings, subdue demons and subdue demons in the Jianghu.

The Buddha's voice is also heroic. The world's martial arts come from Shaolin.

Career Introduction Shaolin martial arts emphasizes the combination of Zen and martial arts and the wide opening and closing of moves. It often brings psychological pressure to the target by rebounding damage and high blood defense. The barrier free endurance ability and the effect of avoiding internal skill damage can often play a winning move. The ability to bring the dead back to life often plays an important role in the team.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Tendon changing channel wash you
arms stick

Advantages: high blood, high internal prevention and high control; Internal and external comprehensive balance

Disadvantages: The ability of breakthrough is weak, and it is difficult to approach the enemy.

 Sword Net 3 Five Poisons Sister

Snakes and scorpions are neighbors of spiders, and thousands of butterflies fly around the flute and insects are invisible.

The world is afraid of heartbreaking things, but the most poisonous thing is the heart.

Career Introduction The five poisons martial art focuses on continuous damage, which makes it have a certain advantage in mobile warfare. It has an auxiliary effect on the team's internal skill sects. Multiple group healing moves will also become a turning skill to reverse disadvantages.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Poison channel The Code of Mending Heaven
arms Insect flute

Advantages: Insects and beasts protect the body, the interaction between poison and poisonous insects is flexible and changeable, and the powerful group healing ability and battle resurrection.

Disadvantages: Toxic damage occurs slowly, which requires patience, toughness and good rhythm control.

 Sword Net 3 Tiance

The east capital city is at sunset along the river, and the general's tomb is guarded by iron horses.

Kill the gangsters and defend the soul of the Tang Dynasty with a long spear.

Career Introduction Tiance's martial arts are relatively balanced in attack and defense, extremely practical, and deadly in moves. It is a rare role in field operations that can be used to kill the enemy's array and can also leave the whole body. Because it can mount a horse to fight, Tiance often controls the advantage of the beginning when competing with the enemy, and all kinds of rushing moves also make him feel rhythmic when comparing with the enemy.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Proud blood and fighting spirit Iron fast law
arms Long spear

Advantage: The only sect that can fight immediately, with high blood, high external defense and high mobility.

Disadvantages: the anti control ability is slightly weak, and there is no ability to remove the adverse effects of internal skills

 Sword Net 3 Tangmen Female

Disputes among the aristocratic families in Sichuan have caused clouds to flow out of the sky.

The needles, feathers, spikes and thorns are linked by ten fingers, and the sky and the earth are rocked by the storm.

Career Introduction Tangmen's martial arts are famous in the Jianghu for their concealed weapons and mechanisms. Using the deformable thousand gearbox and the mysterious body method, various mechanisms and traps are arranged, together with various remote poisoned concealed weapons, bows and arrows, which are unpredictable and powerful.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Surprising Feather Code Tianluo Deception
arms Thousand gearbox

Advantages: long range, high attack, strong endurance, and can also attack after shadowing.

Disadvantages: The melee ability is weak, and it will suffer when there is no escape means.

 Swordnet 3: Seven Girls

Xizi is in love by the Xizi Lake, and the rain is ringing in the building outside.

The gallery embroidered boats and danced with neon clothes, and the small bridge, flowing water and graceful leaves.

Career Introduction The seven show moves are gorgeous but not complicated. Manhua's peerless dance moves hide various mysteries, or weaken the enemy in the invisible, or help friends in the twinkling of an eye. It is dazzling and hard to defend, and often can decide the collapse of the war situation when unexpected.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Ice pithy formula Cloud Clothes Heart Sutra
arms Double soldier

Advantages: strong group attack and control ability, long burst coverage time, and powerful treatment.

Disadvantages: The defense is low. If you don't master the sword dance rhythm well, you will be frustrated in many ways.

 Jianwang 3 Mingjiao Adult Male

Jade flute blowing in the white sand desert will gradually forget who after three lives.

The sun and the moon shine together in troubled times, and the bright flame looks forward to returning to the east.

Career Introduction If you have the power of the sun and the moon when you use Mingjiao martial arts, you can launch attacks from unexpected places of the enemy. It is impossible to defend. You can transform yourself into a beautiful glass. Even if you are attacked, you can gain new vitality from the enemy.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Burning Shadow Ming Zun
arms machete

Advantages: quick move, strong displacement ability, high dodge, strong survivability, taking the lead in hiding, and powerful control that can disarm the enemy.

Disadvantages: When fighting, you need to accumulate sun spirit or moon spirit. When breaking out, you should pay attention to the timing rather than doing what you want.

 Sword Net 3 Beggars' Sect Adult

Disturbing the fifty states of Junshan, the wind and dust are almost gone.

After leaving, the daughter has not tied her hands, and the meal is not lonely.

Career Introduction The martial arts of the Beggars' Sect are famous all over the world for their "18 Dragon Subduing Palms" and "Dog Beating Staff". The Dragon Subduing Palm can be used like flowing clouds. The Dog Beating Staff requires a person with exquisite mind to reach a deep level.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Laughing Dust Code
arms Stub

Advantages: single damage, strong control, strong ability to approach the target, and keep the enemy under control through a set of combos.

Disadvantages: The self hardness brought by the combo move makes it more difficult to cope with the situation where movement response is required.

 Swordnet 3 Pure Male

Kunlun is a mysterious place outside the mountains, and there are caves in heaven and earth.

Just ask where the real king is. Don't look for the sword immortal in the Jianghu.

Career Introduction Pure Yang martial arts integrates the true meaning of Taoism. Everything is natural. You can not only operate your internal power as you want, but also build a Tai Chi aura. Attack and defend as one, advance and retreat freely, let nature take its course, and respond to changes with unchanged.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Taixu Sword Purple Haze Skill
arms etc.

Advantages: high critical hit, strong control, flexible moves, strong burst, and can control the effect of moves or all damage by self immunity in the gas field.

Disadvantages: If you rely too much on the aura, your range of action will be limited, and you often lack mobility when opening the distance from the enemy.

 Sword net 30 thousand flowers become a girl

Spring orchids, autumn chrysanthemums, summer breeze, three stars watching the moon hanging in the night sky.

Do not seek to avoid the wind and rain alone, but laugh at the Peach Garden.

Career Introduction The most exquisite part of the Flower Martial Arts is to point and cut the pulse, which can control people's life and death. By combining superb medical skills with acupoint tapping techniques, you can not only heal your partner, but also stand up and control the enemy's field with exquisite techniques, which is really the first martial art to control the whole situation.
Difficulty in getting started
Mental method Flower tour To deviate from the classics and change ways
arms pen

Advantages: strong ability to continuously treat injuries; High survivability, good at small-scale combat.

Disadvantages: You can't move when you release a move, so that the enemy can take advantage of it.

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