
    The latest picture of Dragon Rising Century: Shadow Barrier Guardian was released

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     The latest picture of Dragon Rising Century: Shadow Barrier Guardian was released

    Recently, Dragon Century: Shadow Barrier Guardian released the latest batch of screenshots of the game, showing the screen, character setting and battle scenes of the game. The game is expected to be officially launched in the autumn of 2024, and will be launched in PS5 , XSX | S and PC platforms.

    BioWare said that each companion character in the game has a complex and rich background story, and they all have their own unique experience and inner goal. Although these individual tasks are different, they will eventually be closely linked to the development of the whole story. Players will make important decisions for everyone during the adventure. Sometimes it will affect their character, sometimes it will lead to a sad outcome, and sometimes it will be a happy outcome.

    The story stage of Dragon Century: The Guardian of Shadow Barriers is located in the world of Cedars, facing new threats from the ancient dark forces. The game will continue the world view and characters of the Dragon Century series, and players will enter a dynamic and mysterious world, where there are rugged wilderness, dangerous labyrinths and prosperous cities. The ancient gods woke up from their sleep hundreds of years ago, hoping to destroy the whole world. Players will challenge corrupt ancient gods with their partners and become "shadow barrier guardians".

    The following is the latest screenshot:

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The latest picture of Dragon Rising Century: Shadow Barrier Guardian was released true report seven hundred and seventy-five Recently, Dragon Century: Shadow Barrier Guardian released the latest batch of screenshots of the game, showing the screen, character setting and battle scenes of the game. The game is expected to be officially released in the autumn of 2024, and will be launched on PS5, XSX | S and PC platforms. BioWare said that each companion character in the game has a complex and rich background story, and they all have their own unique experience and inner
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