
    "Assassin's Creed: Shadow" deeply analyzes 40 details, reveals hidden innovation and dynamic seasonal charm

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

    Today, we shared about《 Assassin's Creed : 40 details of Shadow. The background of the game is set in the era of Andu Taoshan in Japan (1579-1580). This is the first time that the series has presented the story of assassins and temple knights in a classic form since the 2015 Assassin's Creed: Xiaoxiong. The game contains many historical characters, such as Nobuna Ikeda and Shinzo Fujimura, a ninja master.

     "Assassin's Creed: Shadow" deeply analyzes 40 details, reveals hidden innovation and dynamic seasonal charm

    The protagonist includes the fictional character Naixu Jiang, who is trained by his father as a ninja; And the real character Mishu, a samurai of African origin. The game emphasizes stealth and Parkour Skill, light and darkness affect the enemy's vision. You can hide or create darkness through environmental control. Although NPC servants are not combat characters, they can provide support and warnings.

    You can choose nonviolence to knock down the enemy during covert operations; The crawling function allows you to move low on the ground and cross a narrow space; The grapple system is used to quickly climb and wait for the enemy to ambush. Hawk eye vision helps you detect enemy and friend positions and distinguish different color marks.

    Although UAV bird is not available in this work, you need to scout the area yourself; As a ninja, Naixu Jiang is good at silent penetration, while Mishu is more inclined to use his skills to attack the target directly. In terms of combat, we focus on avoidance strategies rather than defensive equipment, and there is no shield available due to the limitations of the times.

    The Assassin's Creed: Shadow provides a unique Japanese historical background, in-depth role interaction, and rich stealth and combat experience in tactics.

    Assassin's Creed Shadow
    Assassin's Creed: CODENAME RED
    2024-11-15 Release action game/action/adventure
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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: "Assassin's Creed: Shadow" deeply analyzes 40 details, reveals hidden innovation and dynamic seasonal charm true report one thousand and eighty Today, we shared 40 details about The Assassin's Creed: Shadow. The background of the game is set in the era of Andu Taoshan in Japan (1579-1580). This is the first time that the series has presented the story of assassins and temple knights in a classic form since the 2015 Assassin's Creed: Xiaoxiong. The game contains many historical characters, such as Nobuna Ikeda and Shinzo Fujimura, a ninja master. The protagonist includes the fictional character Nexujiang
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