
    The new "Battlefield" will land in EA, an employee who has served 20 years and played Xbox

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     The new "Battlefield" will land in EA, an employee who has served 20 years and played Xbox

    Recently, Electronic Arts (EA) shared an article on its official website, introducing the company's "Hire Our Heroes" program. The program aims to get support from veterans in the game development process by hiring them and providing them with scholarships, educational and social opportunities.

    EA said that recently two outstanding employees joined EA from the military career and brought a wealth of knowledge and skills, which will help improve the company and provide them with access to the game industry.

    One of the employees is Aaron Johnson, who has a 20-year military career and brought an Xbox with him when he first deployed to Afghanistan. Now, with the support of EA, Johnson has become a member of Ripple Effect Studio, which is helping to create the next generation of new works of the Battlefield series.

    Another employee is Madison Daugherty. She once served in the Third Infantry Division in Savannah, Georgia, but she is now a member of the Battlefield team as a product manager. At the same time, she can also provide valuable insights to support the development of the game itself. After all, she survived successfully. Her work will help build the next generation of Battlefield into the best game.

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The new "Battlefield" will land in EA, an employee who has served 20 years and played Xbox true report eight hundred and twenty-nine Recently, Electronic Arts (EA) shared an article on its official website, introducing the company's "Hire Our Heroes" program. The program aims to get support from veterans in the game development process by hiring them and providing them with scholarships, educational and social opportunities. EA said that recently two outstanding employees joined EA from the military career and brought a wealth of knowledge
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