
    The heroine in the video is so handsome! "Strange Life: Double Exposure" 18 minute live demonstration release

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     The heroine in the video is so handsome! "Strange Life: Double Exposure" 18 minute live demonstration release

    (June 14) Strange Life officially released an 18 minute live demonstration of its new work Strange Life: Double Exposure. This game will be available on Xbox Series X | S PS5 And PC platform. If players pre order the final version, they can unlock and fully experience the contents of the first and second chapters two weeks before the game is released.

    In this game, the protagonist Max Caulfield will return. She is a photographer in residence at Carleton University. One day, she found her good friend Sophie dead in the snow. In order to save him, Max began to try to reverse time, which was an ability she had not used for many years.

    However, in this process, Max accidentally opened the way to the parallel timeline. There, Saffi is still alive and in danger. The game developers used this plot turn to remind players of the importance of details and show the complex plot design in the game.

    If you are a fan of the "Strange Life" series or interested in plot adventure games, "Strange Life: Double Exposure" will be your best choice. Book now to avoid missing this long-awaited game!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The heroine in the video is so handsome! "Strange Life: Double Exposure" 18 minute live demonstration release true report seven hundred and twenty-nine (June 14) Strange Life officially released an 18 minute live demonstration of its new work Strange Life: Double Exposure. This game will be launched on Xbox Series X | S, PS5 and PC platforms on October 29, 2024. If players pre order the final version, they can unlock and fully experience the contents of the first and second chapters two weeks before the game is released. In this game, the protagonist Max Colfield
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