
    On May 18, the Extranet Skin Ranking of the "Fearless Contract" revealed that the top 10 of the latest popularity list

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

    The skin of the Fearless Contract has a certain impact on the operation experience of the game, which may indirectly affect the winning rate and other key factors. To evaluate the actual effect of skin needs a lot of competition data as a basis. The following is the skin ranking of the Extranet "Fearless Contract" on May 18. I hope it can help the players.

     On May 18, the Extranet Skin Ranking of the "Fearless Contract" revealed that the top 10 of the latest popularity list

    Fearless contract
    2023-07-12 First person shooting/multi person/shooting/first person shooting/e-sports
    PC Support official Chinese
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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: On May 18, the Extranet Skin Ranking of the "Fearless Contract" revealed that the top 10 of the latest popularity list true report four hundred and thirteen The skin of the Fearless Contract has a certain impact on the operation experience of the game, which may indirectly affect the winning rate and other key factors. To evaluate the actual effect of skin needs a lot of competition data as a basis. The following is the skin ranking of the Extranet "Fearless Contract" on May 18. I hope it can help the players. Valorant ...
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