
    The samsara team finally came! The new version was launched on May 21

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     The samsara team finally came! The new version was launched on May 21

    On May 21, 2024, a high-profile survival map of the Jedi, the samsara team, was officially launched for testing. This pigeon like survival grass cutting game provides five unique professional hero characters, including soldiers, meat shields, long-range shooters and tank heroes. Each hero has his own characteristics and skill combination.

    In the samsara team, players need to face the monster waves that are constantly strengthening, and they have to complete various tasks and challenges while surviving. There are three levels on the map, and each level will drop different types of equipment and props.

    All the equipment in the game is obtained by hitting boxes, and these boxes come from a variety of sources. Players can obtain the equipment in the box by killing elite monsters, challenging the copy BOSS, etc., and the equipment of the same level will be automatically combined into a higher quality version.

    Although the samsara team is friendly for beginners, the game itself is still challenging. Players must strive to survive and defeat the BOSS to win.

    In addition, the reincarnation team also supports up to four people to play at the same time. Whether you want to enjoy the fun of defeating monsters alone or experience the pleasure of teamwork with your teammates, you can find satisfaction here.

    The Reincarnation Team is not only a map, but also a battlefield full of passion and blood. In this game, you will feel the collision between survival and glory, and experience the pleasure of counter attack and changing your life. If you like Jedi Survival or want to try an exciting and challenging game, Reincarnation Team is definitely worth recommending! Join us now! A large number of good pictures are waiting for you!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The samsara team finally came! The new version was launched on May 21 true report one thousand and four On May 21, 2024, a high-profile survival map of the Jedi, the samsara team, was officially launched for testing. This pigeon like survival grass cutting game provides five unique professional hero characters, including soldiers, meat shields, long-range shooters and tank heroes. Each hero has his own characteristics and skill combination. In the samsara team, players need to face increasing monster waves to survive
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