
    "Soul of Darkness: Reprint" MOD update screen upgrade dynamic shadow effect

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     "Soul of Darkness: Reprint" MOD update screen upgrade dynamic shadow effect

    Recently《 Dark Soul The MOD producer fromsoftserve released the official MOD 1.01 version of Dark Soul: Reprint, which took more than 1000 hours and lasted for 8 months. This MOD adds dynamic shadow effect to every map in the game, upgrades the texture of the model, and enhances the improvement and repair of the image such as water surface reflection effect.

    The updated Soul of Darkness: Reprint MOD will present a more delicate picture effect in the game, so that players can feel the charm of the game world more realistically. At the same time, this update also solves some problems in previous versions, and improves the quality of the entire MOD.

    It is reported that players can click relevant links download This updated Soul of Darkness: Reprint MOD. As can be seen from the new version of MOD released this time, fromsoftserve has tried its best to make this product a satisfying high-quality game experience.

    In addition, two screenshots of the MOD are attached at the end of the article to show the specific implementation effect.

    For more information, please pay attention to the "Dark Soul: Reprint" section.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: "Soul of Darkness: Reprint" MOD update screen upgrade dynamic shadow effect true report seven hundred and four Recently, from softserve, the MOD producer of Dark Soul: Reprint, released the official version of Dark Soul: Reprint MOD 1.01, which took more than 1000 hours to produce for 8 months. This MOD adds dynamic shadow effect to every map in the game, upgrades the texture of the model, and enhances the improvement and repair of the image such as water surface reflection effect. This updated Dark
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