
    The prince returns! Prince of Persia: Rogue opened EA on May 27

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     The prince returns! Prince of Persia: Rogue opened EA on May 27

    Prince of Persia Rogue: EA will be officially launched on the evening of May 27. The official previously released a promotional video introducing the core narrative of the game. According to the content of the trailer, the main character prince has a spherical jewelry, which can let him go back to the past and use this power to take risks to improve his ability.

    This game was originally planned to be launched on May 14, but it was postponed to late May after Hades 2 suddenly opened its EA on May 6. For more information, please follow the Prince of Persia: Rogue Zone.

    *The picture is from the network and has nothing to do with this article

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The prince returns! Prince of Persia: Rogue opened EA on May 27 true report three hundred and thirty-nine The Prince of Persia: Rogue will officially open EA on the evening of May 27. The official previously released a promotional video introducing the core narrative of the game. According to the content of the trailer, the main character prince has a spherical jewelry, which can let him go back to the past and use this power to take risks to improve his ability. This game was originally planned to be launched on May 14, but because Hades 2 suddenly
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