
    The producer of Unlawful Men believes that the main reason for the failure of the game is the launch of Watchman

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     The producer of Unlawful Men believes that the main reason for the failure of the game is the launch of Watchman

    The outlaw is a multiplayer online first person action shooting game developed with the illusory 4 engine. The game was launched by Boss Key Productions Studio in 2017, but it did not achieve the expected success.

    Recently, Cliff Bleszinski, the producer of this game, mentioned the reasons for the failure of Unlawful Men in an interview, and believed that many factors had an impact on it. One of the most important reasons is that Blizzard launched the multiplayer online shooting game Watch Pioneer in 2016.

    According to Bleszinski, after the developers of Boss Key Productions saw the trailer of Watch Pioneer, they were very worried: "God, we are finished." Although the heroes and skill settings in Unlawful Men were inspired by MOBA games, they were still accused of copying Watch Pioneer, because there are obvious similarities in style between the two.

    It is worth mentioning that Bleszinski once mentioned the return plan of Unlawful Acts, but now he would rather work with a small team to produce a simple game or launch other works, rather than spend several years to develop a 3A scale game such as Unlawful Acts.

    This first person action shooting game "outlaws" created by the illusory 4 engine was not successful at the beginning of its release. Now it seems that this may be due to its style being too close to the works of competitors and its long time consumption.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The producer of Unlawful Men believes that the main reason for the failure of the game is the launch of Watchman true report eight hundred and ninety-seven The outlaw is a multiplayer online first person action shooting game developed with the illusory 4 engine. The game was launched by Boss Key Productions Studio in 2017, but it did not achieve the expected success. Recently, Cliff Bleszinski, the producer of this game, mentioned the reasons for the failure of Unlawful Men in an interview, and believed that many factors had an impact on it. Whose
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