
    Lethal Poison Master Linkage! Fortress Night opens the new season

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

     Lethal Poison Master Linkage! Fortress Night opens the new season

    fortress Night is famous for its linkage with other IPs. According to internal information, the new season of the game has started, and some players have received new investigation reports. The report shows that many well-known IP characters appear among them, such as Jesse Pinkman in the TV series Breaking Bad, Freddie Fazbel in the animated film The Midnight Palace of the Teddy Bear, and CJ in the game GTA: San Andreas. These messages triggered speculation about linkage activities that might be associated with these roles or other IPs in the report.

    Previously, Fortress Night officially announced that it would cooperate with Radiation. For more details, please pay attention to our follow-up reports for you.

    (This paragraph has 153 words in total.)

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Lethal Poison Master Linkage! Fortress Night opens the new season true report four hundred and forty-eight Fortress Night is famous for its linkage with other IPs. According to internal information, the new season of the game has started, and some players have received new investigation reports. The report shows that many famous IP characters appear among them, such as Jesse Pinkman in the TV series Breaking Bad, Freddie Fazbell in the animated film The Midnight Palace of the Teddy Bear, and C
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