
    Assassin's Creed: Shadow will be launched on PC, host and other platforms on November 15 next year

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     Assassin's Creed: Shadow will be launched on PC, host and other platforms on November 15 next year

    Recently, Ubisoft announced that its latest work will be launched on November 15 this year《 Assassin's Creed : Shadow. The game will be launched on multiple platforms, including Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 5, Windows PC and Mac using Apple Silicon.

    In "Assassin's Creed: Shadow", players will play the role of deadly ninja assassins or powerful legendary warriors to explore a beautiful and open world in the chaotic era. In the game, two seemingly impossible allies can switch to use, and players need to uncover the mystery of their common destiny. At the same time, players can also design a unique hiding place to lead Japan into a new era.

    The game is set in the historical background of the Warring States Period in Japan. Players can explore a variety of cities, ports, shrines and picturesque outdoor scenes. The weather system will be volatile and change with the seasons, bringing more challenges to the adventure.

    In terms of role selection, The Assassin's Creed: Shadow provides players with two different styles of roles to choose from: the deadly ninja assassin Nexujiang and the powerful legendary warrior Mishu. Players can choose different characters to take risks according to their own preferences, and can experience their growth process by unlocking new skills and equipment.

    In addition, in the process of the game, players can also make intelligence their own weapons, build their own spy networks, and recruit various new allies with unique capabilities to help complete the task.

    According to the official introduction, The Assassin's Creed: Shadow will be launched on all support platforms on November 15, 2024. Please look forward to this epic action adventure story!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Assassin's Creed: Shadow will be launched on PC, host and other platforms on November 15 next year true report nine hundred and eighty-two Recently, Ubisoft announced that its latest work, Assassin's Creed: Shadow, will be launched on November 15 this year. The game will be launched on multiple platforms, including Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 5, Windows PC and Mac using Apple Silicon. In "Assassin's Creed: Shadow", players will play the role of deadly ninja assassins or powerful legendary warriors to explore a beauty in the chaotic era
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