
    GTA3, which should have a multiplayer game mode, has never been included since it was launched ten years ago

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     GTA3, which should have a multiplayer game mode, has never been included since it was launched ten years ago

    GTA3 is the first GTA series works using 3D rendering technology. Although its multiplayer game mode is missing, Obbe Vermeij, a former developer, revealed that the original work should have such a function.

    On the X platform, Vermeij said that he had written a multiplayer game mode for GTA3. He said that at that time, the team generally believed that "since GTA1 and GTA2 both have a multiplayer game mode, GTA3 should also have this function." Unfortunately, although this idea seemed feasible, it was finally canceled due to the huge magnitude of related work.

    It is reported that GTA: San Andreas is one of the team's efforts to continue to realize the multiplayer game function. However, they finally decided to incorporate the cooperation model into GTA4 to meet the needs at the end of the host cycle. Only in this work can GTA4 assign enough programmers and level designers to achieve this goal.

    Obbe Vermeij first joined the predecessor DMA Design of Rockstar North in 1995, and played an important role in subsequent games such as GTA3, GTA4 and Bloody Chinatown. This article is produced and released by, and reprinting without permission is prohibited.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: GTA3, which should have a multiplayer game mode, has never been included since it was launched ten years ago true report seven hundred and forty-four GTA3 is the first GTA series works using 3D rendering technology. Although its multiplayer game mode is missing, Obbe Vermeij, a former developer, revealed that the original work should have such a function. On the X platform, Vermeij said that he had written a multiplayer game mode for GTA3. He said that at that time, the team generally believed that "since there are many people in GTA1 and GTA2
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