
    Brain wave girl is coming! Corona Wave Syndrome is on the shelves, Steam

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     Brain wave girl is coming! Corona Wave Syndrome is on the shelves, Steam

    On May 26, WSS Playground's new work Corona Wave Syndrome officially went on sale Steam Shop. The game is expected to be released in 2024, and supports simplified Chinese. According to the official introduction, "Corona Wave Syndrome" is a word adventure rhythmic music game, similar to the previous style of "anchor girl heavy dependence".

    In the game, a family squatting girl releases her emotions by smoking radio songs, and outputs cute and strange documents on the Internet to her heart's content. This kind of high brainwave makes the whole world chaotic. These radio waves are the skills of the dead people! Involve the world in her radio waves and turn it into a circle of scrap.

    In addition, WSS playground also announced that their other work, "The End of Teenagers", will start the preemptive experience on September 6. This game is a text adventure game with the theme of sci-fi horror.

    If you are interested in the above content, please click related reading for more details.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Brain wave girl is coming! Corona Wave Syndrome is on the shelves, Steam true report six hundred On May 26, WSS Playground's new work Corona Wave Syndrome was officially launched in Steam Store. The game is expected to be released in 2024, and supports simplified Chinese. According to the official introduction, "Corona Wave Syndrome" is a word adventure rhythmic music game, similar to the previous style of "anchor girl heavy dependence". In the game, a family squatting girl uses radio music to explain
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