
    Foreign media reports: Larian Studio is committed to making every player have fun

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     Foreign media reports: Larian Studio is committed to making every player have fun

    Larian Studio values the gaming experience of players, no matter how much time and effort they invest. The head of the studio, Swen Vincke, and the screenwriter, Adam Smith, said in an interview that they took different types of players into consideration when designing the game and tried to ensure that every player could find fun in the game.

    Vincke pointed out that in their games, players need to have a good sense of experience to make them willing to spend time playing games. He took his four attempts to open the door to Bode to take risks but failed to complete the second act as an example to illustrate this point. He believes that it is crucial for every player to feel satisfied in the game.

    He also said that when designing the game mechanism, he also took into account that those players who may have more complex rules are easier to accept. The fifth version of the rules of Dungeons and Dragons may seem too complicated for some players, but they still hope that these players can enjoy the game through design.

    Smith believes that it is important for players to know where they are and what to do next. Therefore, when narrating the story, he will provide clear guidance as far as possible, so that the player can feel confident in any situation.

    In short, Larian Studio focuses on creating a satisfying game for all types of players. They hope to attract more players to participate in the game through well-designed game mechanisms and easy to understand rules, so that they can find fun and obtain satisfactory experience in Bode's Gate 3.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Foreign media reports: Larian Studio is committed to making every player have fun true report nine hundred and thirteen Larian Studio values the gaming experience of players, no matter how much time and effort they invest. The head of the studio, Swen Vincke, and the screenwriter, Adam Smith, said in an interview that they took different types of players into consideration when designing the game and tried to ensure that every player could find fun in the game. Vincke pointed out that in their games, players need to have a good sense of experience to make
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