
    The trial version of the domestic game DRINKRIME was released! Unique plot and beautiful picture

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

     The trial version of the domestic game DRINKRIME was released! Unique plot and beautiful picture

    A new game named DRINKRIME has recently released a trial version on the PC platform. This game is a mystery detective adventure game, developed by 72 studio studio. The game is scheduled to be officially launched in February 2025 Steam platform Online, but Chinese is not yet supported.

    DRINKRIME adopts a comic like narrative style, telling the story of the protagonist investigating the prisoners together with a wine bottle that can speak. Players need to use some keywords to gather clues to speculate about the whole case, so as to attack the psychological defense line of prisoners and solve the mystery of crime.

    This game brings players a new experience, full of excitement and challenges. It not only tests the reasoning ability of players, but also requires players to use their wisdom to solve various problems. At the same time, DRINKRIME also adds interactive elements to allow players to have more in-depth exchanges with the characters in the game.

    For the players who like the adventure games of inference detectives, DRINKRIME is undoubtedly a good game that cannot be missed. It has a unique story and beautiful pictures, which can let players immerse in it and enjoy the fun of solving puzzles.

    Studio has invested a lot of energy in the production of DRINKRIME to ensure the quality and fun of the game. They believe that this game will attract the majority of players.

    For more information about DRINKRIME, players can go to Steam Platform for viewing and download Trial version. We look forward to bringing more surprises to players when this game is officially launched in 2025!

    News source: Internet

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The trial version of the domestic game DRINKRIME was released! Unique plot and beautiful picture true report nine hundred and fifty-six A new game named DRINKRIME has recently released a trial version on the PC platform. This game is a mystery detective adventure game, developed by 72 studio studio. The game is scheduled to be officially launched on Steam platform in February 2025, but it does not support Chinese at present. "DRINKRIME" adopts a comic like narrative style, telling the story of the protagonist investigating with a wine bottle that can speak
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