
    Microsoft's new game "Doom Warrior: The Dark Age" will be released soon, and will be launched on multiple platforms!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     Microsoft's new game "Doom Warrior: The Dark Age" will be released soon, and will be launched on multiple platforms!

    According to the latest news, Microsoft plans to release its new work "Destroyer: Dark Age" at the Xbox Face to Face Meeting in June. This is a thriller design game combining the medieval and future styles. It is worth noting that today's source NateTheHate revealed that Microsoft is preparing a multi platform strategy, so this work developed by Microsoft's first studio will be launched at the same time PS5 , Xbox Series X | S, and PC platforms.

    In retrospect, the series of "Destroying Soldier" games were restarted in 2016, and the sequel "Destroying Soldier Forever" was launched in 2020. Therefore, this year's "Destroying Soldiers: The Dark Age" may continue the story of the series. This game is expected to be officially released this year.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Microsoft's new game "Doom Warrior: The Dark Age" will be released soon, and will be launched on multiple platforms! true report four hundred and forty According to the latest news, Microsoft plans to release its new work "Destroyer: Dark Age" at the Xbox Face to Face Meeting in June. This is a thriller design game combining the medieval and future styles. It is worth noting that NateTheHate, a source today, revealed that Microsoft is preparing a multi platform strategy, so this work developed by Microsoft's first studio will be launched on PS5, Xbox Series X | S
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