
    Girls' rhythm adventure game Corona Wave Syndrome is available in Chinese

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     Girls' rhythm adventure game Corona Wave Syndrome is available in Chinese

    Recently, a beautiful girl's rhythm adventure game called Corona Wave Syndrome was played in Steam Go online and support Chinese. The game producer WSS playground is responsible for the release.

    Corona Wave Syndrome is a unique rhythm adventure game. Players will play a girl who likes squatting at home and listening to radio songs. She is addicted to outputting cute and strange documents, and enjoys the pleasure brought by the brain waves. In this game, the world is also affected by her crazy radio waves and becomes a ruin.

    This game has attracted the attention and expectation of many players, especially those who like the beauty element and rhythm adventure games. If you are also interested in the Corona Wave Syndrome, you can pay attention to it Steam platform Find relevant information on and download The game.

    Finally, I want to remind you that Corona Wave Syndrome is a game with excellent production, beautiful pictures and beautiful music. I believe it will bring you a new gaming experience. So don't miss this opportunity!

    *The above content is only the editor's personal opinion and has nothing to do with the original text

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Girls' rhythm adventure game Corona Wave Syndrome is available in Chinese true report six hundred and seventy-seven Recently, a beautiful girl's rhythm adventure game called Corona Wave Syndrome was launched in Steam, and it supports Chinese. The game producer WSS playground is responsible for the release. Corona Wave Syndrome is a unique rhythm adventure game. Players will play a girl who likes squatting at home and listening to radio songs. She is addicted to outputting cute and strange documents, and enjoys the brain of rolling the sky
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