
    When will the photo mode come to Star Blade? The main creator is doing various functions

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     When will the photo mode come to Star Blade? The main creator is doing various functions

    Created by Jin Hengtai and Shift Up PS5 The action game Star Blade has been on sale for nearly a month. Recently, the game launched an update to version 1.003, adding BOSS challenge mode, new clothes, game optimization and other content.

    In a recent interview, Famiton communicated with Jin Hengtai and Li Dongji, two producers of Star Blade, and discussed the future plan of the game. In addition to the 1.003 version update launched on May 24, Famiton also asked about the progress of the "photo mode".

    Jin Hengtai said: "Unfortunately, we haven't finished it yet, but we are willing to develop it." He added that if we want to launch the "photo mode", it will take more time to produce, and he hopes to provide high-quality content. So he reminded players to wait patiently.

    As to whether this means that the "photo mode" will not only have the function of pausing the game and taking photos, Jin Hengtai replied: "Various functions are under consideration." He also promised that more clothing content will be added to the game in the future, and disclosed that the sequel of Star Blade and various plans are also under consideration, which may be something to supplement the current story or world view, It may also be a completely different work.

    This interview shows the planning and expectations of the creative team behind Star Blade for the future of the game.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: When will the photo mode come to Star Blade? The main creator is doing various functions true report one thousand one hundred and forty-five The PS5 action game Star Blade, jointly created by Jin Hengtai and Shift Up, has been on sale for nearly a month. Recently, the game launched an update to version 1.003, adding BOSS challenge mode, new clothes, game optimization and other content. In a recent interview, Famiton communicated with Jin Hengtai and Li Dongji, two producers of Star Blade, and discussed the future plan of the game. Except in May
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