
    Ubisoft confirms that it will appear in Cologne Game Fair, and the content may overlap

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

    The Cologne Game Fair is approaching, and more information about exhibitors is gradually released. Last night, Ubisoft's official tweet confirmed that it would appear in the Cologne Game Show. It is not clear whether it will display new products on the opening night, or set up physical booths or take other forms of activities. Foreign media predict that Ubisoft may focus on exhibition《 Assassin's Creed : Shadow and Star Wars: Desperado, and the latter will be released this month.

    It is worth mentioning that Ubisoft will hold the annual Ubisoft Forward conference on June 10 before the Cologne Game Fair. Therefore, the contents of the two press conferences may overlap.

    According to relevant reports, the Cologne Game Fair will be held in Cologne, Germany, from August 24 to 31. At the exhibition, each manufacturer will bring the latest products and technology display, and interact with peers and players in the industry.

    As the Cologne Game Show approaches, major manufacturers have announced their participation plans. Ubisoft is just one of many exhibitors, and more information will be announced in the next two weeks.

    In addition, the Assassin's Creed: Unlimited Possibilities has also recently launched a free trial activity, in which players can participate through the official website.

    For more information about the Cologne Game Show, please keep an eye on the follow-up reports brought to you.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Ubisoft confirms that it will appear in Cologne Game Fair, and the content may overlap true report seven hundred and ninety-three The Cologne Game Fair is approaching, and more information about exhibitors is gradually released. Last night, Ubisoft's official tweet confirmed that it would appear in the Cologne Game Show. It is not clear whether it will display new products on the opening night, or set up physical booths or take other forms of activities. Foreign media predict that Ubisoft may focus on the exhibition of Assassin's Creed: Shadow and Star Wars: Desperado
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