
    12 person team creates the game trailer Tianguo 2, revealing the production details

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The sea is the reflection of the sky

    Recently, the official production video of the classic game "Kingdom of Heaven: Rescue 2" was released to show players the behind the scenes production process of its first trailer. The video covers photography, post production and dynamic capture. It is reported that this work has attracted 12 professional film and television producers and sound designers.

    It is understood that "Heaven: Save 2" is expected to be released next year, and will cover PC PS5 And Xbox Series S | X.

    For more information about the work, please pay attention to the "Heaven: Save 2" section.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 12 person team creates the game trailer Tianguo 2, revealing the production details true report six hundred and fifty-six Recently, the official production video of the classic game "Kingdom of Heaven: Rescue 2" was released to show players the behind the scenes production process of its first trailer. The video covers photography, post production and dynamic capture. It is reported that this work has attracted 12 professional film and television producers and sound designers. It is understood that "Heaven: Save 2" is expected to be released next year, and will cover
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